The electric eel can reach up to 9 feet long and can weigh up to 22 kg.
Here is a pair of lined gloves of my mother's; they just reach up to your elbow.
All beds have special L-shaped top sheets that reach up to armpit level on a woman but only waist level on the man lying beside her.
所有的床都有特殊的L 形被单,可以盖到女人的腋窝,但是只能盖到躺在她旁边的男人的腰。
Reach up to your knees with your fingertips.
For some customers, the size of the cache can reach up to 20 GB.
Our summers are dry and maximum temperatures can reach up to 40 degrees.
Now, the magazine's page count can reach up to 100, 000, sometimes 200, 000 a year.
When the Angle of the probe beam is near Brewster Angle the reflectivity can reach up to 60%.
The temperature in Desolace and the Barrens can reach up to 130 degrees Farenheit in the summer.
From time to time, she would take her eyes' off the book and reach up to touch his wrinkled cheek.
Now Toshiba laptop product base oversea has settled down here, Japanese enterprises will reach up to 40.
Through the separation of polyamid chromatograph the content of licorice flavonoids can reach up to 90.26%.
Lion roars can travel over five miles, and reach up to 114 decibels, which is as loud as a jet airplane taking off.
The tree can reach up to 15 meters high and has a greyish bark, with shiny green leaves, and spikes of small greenish flowers.
Forecasters say the entire west and north of France could be badly hit with winds predicted to reach up to 140 kilometers an hour.
The quality precision of the aluminum alloy in squeezing casting with electromagnetic pump quantitative pouring can reach up to 2%.
结果表明,电磁泵定量浇注挤压铸件质量精度达到2 %。
The yellow American-style school bus has been fitted with a jet engine from a Phantom fighter plane, allowing it to reach up to 367mph.
All those whose points reach up to 10000 or above at Guofang Baisheng Shopping Centre, within one year, can apply for the Silver cards.
Working in a laboratory is also not as comfortable as Wang thought. During the summer, temperatures in the laboratory reach up to 40 degrees.
At last, an enhancement method for the strategy is proposed based on ILP information. The statistics shows that the cost saved can reach up to 20%.
By capturing such a broad range of light waves — wider than normal solar cells — tandem CQD solar cells can in principle reach up to 42 per cent efficiencies.
While case calculation using high resolution terrain data shows that the regional relative radiation error caused by terrain slope can reach up to above 10%.
While case calculation using high resolution terrain data shows that the regional relative radiation error caused by terrain slope can reach up to above 10%.