We present a quick method to mine the frequent path and the reachable set and probability of web pages browsed by users based on the suffix tree;
It then traverses the chain of references until all (directly or indirectly) reachable objects from the root set are marked.
After processing the soft references, the set of weakly reachable objects is identified — objects for which no strong or soft references exist.
The most important thing is to set a reachable goal/schedule so you can actually get the thing written.
In a nutshell, this means that the collector first walks through the set of reachable objects, marking them as live data.
A persistent closure of a managed root entity x is defined as the set of managed entities C(x) ={e}, where e is reachable from x directly or indirectly via a persistent relationship.
管理根实体x的一个持久化闭包被定义为一个管理实体集C(x) ={e},其中 e 可以直接或间接通过一个持久化关系从 x访问。
Normally a server is not reachable from the Web at large without a static IP address, but a dynamic DNS service allows me to set up a temporary resolvable machine name under another top-level domain.
The relationship matrix, relationship intensity matrix and its reachable matrix between the function set and the sub-system set are set up, therefore the system structure is established.
I believe we must focus on the next game and not have set targets that don't look immediately reachable.
Set near Lisbon's city centre, only a short walk from attractions such as the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, this modern hotel is easily reachable via public transportation.
Set near Lisbon's city centre, only a short walk from attractions such as the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, this modern hotel is easily reachable via public transportation.