The first nerve cells it passes through react only to simple stimuli, such as edges slanting at particular angles.
If it were instead much faster, say 10 milliseconds, then we could react much more quickly to incoming stimuli, such as potential threats.
Our muscles have to be trained to react in certain ways to certain stimuli.
But some experts wonder whether it is a good idea to train your brain to ignore conflicting sensory stimuli because it might inhibit your ability to react appropriately in the real world.
It's an interesting way to examine how you problem solve and react to certain stimuli, but it's also been shown to encourage critical thinking and help maximize cognitive skills.
Some insects, after their heads are severed, may live for as long as a year. They react automatically to light, temperature, humidity, chemicals, and other stimuli.
Some insects, after their heads are severed, may live for as long as a year. They react automatically to light, temperature, humidity, chemicals, and other stimuli.