In simple terms, stress hinders a part of the brain responsible for decision-making and reaction time and can adversely affect other mental abilities as well.
As Kunar and Horowitz report, those who were making the equivalent of a hands-free call had an average reaction time 212 milliseconds slower than those who were not.
Reaction time to that feedback needs to be properly scheduled.
This drop in frame rate will affect the input response time, and therefore also the player’s reaction time.
And consumption of milk and dark chocolate was associated with improved impulse control and reaction time.
This drop in frame rate will affect the input response time, and therefore also the player's reaction time.
In addition to the obvious safety-related benefits, the fast reaction time will ensure minimal work stoppage and thus result in increased worker productivity and company profitability.
My reaction time is not much better So we're going to get a number there.
They felt either more or less vulnerable than their strength, balance, reaction time and other physical characteristics would indicate.
Published in the journal Evolution and Human Behaviour, the study compared reasoning and reaction time test scores with measurements of facial symmetry in 216 men and women studied since 1932.
It is not really necessary because my reaction time is 0.1 second, so even if I did only one oscillation, that would be enough to see whether it is coincident with that... consistent with that number.
Drag-racers drive in a straight line and the winner is the person who has the fastest reaction time to the green light - an advantage that women have over men.
As a result the reaction time of the player, and also that of the ai, will slow down and can make a simple maneuver fail, or even impossible.
The required reaction time for capturing day lightning photography is less than 0.2 seconds. So, you need to be quick.
The Iraq veterans did, however, perform better on one key measure: their reaction time was faster.
The scientists studied brain scans of children with Tourette while they performed tasks requiring focus and quick reaction time.
And now I'm going to time it, and my timing uncertainty is of course dictated by my reaction time.
Now, German researchers aim to cut that reaction time by getting drivers' brain waves to help stop the car. Their findings appear in the Journal of Neural Engineering.
While they had a median reaction time of 667 milliseconds in testing during week 1, that increased to 2, 013 milliseconds by week 3.
Thirty minutes later, the participants were tested on a driving simulator and on a reaction time test or sustained attention.
If I look on Wikipedia, I find that a human's average reaction time is somewhere between 200 and 270 milliseconds.
Of course if you try it many times, you won't always get that close, because my reaction time is really not much better than a tenth of a second.
And now we're going m2 to get the observation: 10T times m2, which is double the mass, and that, of course, always has my uncertainty of my reaction time.
Unfortunately, as soon as you get beyond that "moderate" amount, your memory, reaction time is all likely to decline.
And consumption of milk and dark chocolate was associated with improved impulse control and reaction time, according to the research.
I quickly went and got him a big glass of cold milk. I handed it over to him with pride, feeling good about my prompt reaction-time and smiling service.
Sip some coffee for triple benefit. Coffee has been shown to improve memory, reasoning and reaction time in older folks.
Sip some coffee for triple benefit. Coffee has been shown to improve memory, reasoning and reaction time in older folks.