Once purchased and trained, this would allow the casual user to save money and time, freeing up precious space in our busy lives to read a good book.
You can do an activity you enjoy or that relaxes you, maybe you can read a good book or learn a new hobby and even spend time with your pet and that could make a difference.
You would also rather stay at home and read a good book than go to a paety.
Will you take a long lazy sleep, read a good book or have a rich feast like usual?
Go to the museum, see a movie, read a good book, or take up oil painting (or some other hobby).
Or simply sip a cocktail by the pool, read a good book and bask in the warmth of the glorious sun.
Drink a glass of wine, coffee, or tea, read a good book, or watch a good movie. Look at old photographs and reminisce.
You need to look at what a movie does that only movies can do; otherwise you might as well stay on your couch and read a good book.
Less experienced developers will find it more valuable, and more of a slow read – this book is packed with good advice, without much "filler".
If you're a writer, read a book on design and try it out. Yes, you probably won't be any good.
I thought it was a very good book, but it wasn't the book I wanted to read.
Good illustrations or photographs can capture a child's interest, and often encourage them to want to read the book in order to understand what the interesting pictures are about.
I spent many weekends in the library doing my history reading, and a good book to read was an important part of my Saturday "relaxation".
On the other hand, 30% of American survey said they would rather read a book than do anything else, 21% said watching TV is their favorite activity, that's the good news.
I once read in Penelope Leach's book something that left a huge impression on me: good parents work themselves out of the picture - slowly.
No, I learned by myself. I have a good cook book that I read when I have time.
Obama read aloud from "the Polar Express," the award-winning Christmas book also made into a film, and joked with youngsters, asking: "Have you guys been good?"
Obama read aloud from "The Polar Express," the award-winning Christmas book also made into a film, and joked with youngsters, asking: "Have you guys been good?"
奥巴马为孩子们朗读了《极地特快》书中的一段,这本获奖圣诞图书还被拍成了电影。 他还逗小朋友们说:“大家都乖不乖啊?”
Read more books, read good books. Due to a selective reading of the book of knowledge also should have choice to adopt, is the so-called take its essence.
It is a good idea to read this book in front of a computer so you can try out the examples as you go.
Because read a book can accumulate some good sentences, sometimes also can accumulate some famous quotes about learning.
Whether you are reading a blog, your favorite magazine or a good book, you can learn and become more knowledgeable as you read.
Whether you are reading a blog, your favorite magazine or a good book, you can learn and become more knowledgeable as you read.