An expression tree is a data representation of the lambda expression in a form that is easy for you to read and reason about the lambda expression in.
The only reason that Read and Bonny were not hanged with the rest of the ship's crew was that they were pregnant
She could still read, speak and reason, remember historical and geographical facts, and order objects by their physical size.
The reason this technique is called the "cheap read-write lock" is that you are using different synchronization mechanisms for reads and writes.
之所以将这种技术称之为 “开销较低的读-写锁” 是因为您使用了不同的同步机制进行读写操作。
What made Madeleine sit up in bed was something closer to the reason she read books in the first place and had always loved them.
My guess is you wrote for a simpler reason: you read the newspaper and she doesn't.
The reason I didn't write anything until now is that I have been trying to find time to read the paper, understand the measurement, and comment intelligently on it.
As if goals were the only reason to do something great. (Read more: the best goal is no goal, and the illusion of control.)
If, for some reason or other, you gathered tons of books and didn't read even one of them during the last year, I promise you, donating them is the best thing you can do.
Before Thomas Edison was ten, he had already read History of England, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, History of the World, and the Age of Reason.
Several times during your training, the question of your continuing was raised, and each time our inability to read your mind was given as reason for your termination.
This is the reason this thread is so widely read and you can learn a lot from it if you'll only take the time to read through it.
Most of time, I usually doubt that my English is going down straight as a reason that I could not read smoothly, listen carefully and write freely.
The reason was that hot as well as cold parts in my body would give different reactions and mark my back with colored spots that the health experts can read.
Holiness is not something extraordinary, not something for only a few with brains, with intellectual powers that can reason, that can discuss, that can have long talks and read very wonderful books.
Due to technical reason, please click the "read more" below to check the video. Thanks and happy New Year.
That definitely is a reason. another reason is that she is not a movie star. People who read hong huang tend to be more reasonable, thoughtful and mature.
Many books require no thought from those who read them, and for a very simple reason - they made no such demand upon those who wrote them.
My guess is you wrote for a simpler reason: you read the newspaper and she doesn"t."
When you read it deeply, you will find that there is a distance between his works and the reality, which actually called emotion and reason.
The reason I put the article on this is to remind myself to remind people who read this article: Cherish the people around them and to respect other people's feelings.
What if, Jessie MUSES, as they walk through the streets of Paris, he wrote the book for the sole reason that Celine might read it and find him again?
And then let's catch the Seven Samurai for some reason on PBS and we feel like we can speak Japanese because we can read the subtitles and hear the language at the same time.
接下来看美 国公共广播公司的《七侠四义》,我们一边读字幕一边听日语,还自以为能听懂日语;
And then let's catch the Seven Samurai for some reason on PBS and we feel like we can speak Japanese because we can read the subtitles and hear the language at the same time.
接下来看美 国公共广播公司的《七侠四义》,我们一边读字幕一边听日语,还自以为能听懂日语;