You can also procure for yourself a Word of the Day calendar; be sure to read the word on the page each day and aim to remember each day's word and even use it somewhere in your day.
You're not learning to read by lining up the letters in the word 'cat.' You're learning to read by understanding language, by listening.
Pointing to a word the professor had circled in his essay, he said, "I can't read what you wrote about it in the margin, sir."
When we read our eyes lock on to different letters in the same word instead of scanning a page smoothly from left to right as previously thought, researchers said on Monday.
Police have discovered that several signs have had the word 'Voldemort' added in permanent black marker so that they now read 'Stop Voldemort' in reference to the fantasy film's main villain.
In the time it's taken you to read this post, you could have set up a blog and published three 300-word posts already.
Out of sheer boredom I would pick up a book-science or literature, it was all the Same to me--and read on and on till it suddenly dawned on me that I had turned a dozen pages without taking in a word.
If you read IELTS each word in a sentence once at a time, you will read very slowly and most likely misunderstand the meaning of much of what you read.
I suppose the first time I encountered the word "wraith" was in the 70's when I read JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.
So I can write a document using Microsoft Word under Windows, open it using StarOffice in Linux, and read the text, but invariably the format is different from the original.
因此我可以在windows下用MicrosoftWord编写文档,在Linux 下用StarOffice 将它打开并阅读,但格式一定和初始时的不同。
The card read: "I can't (bear) to be without you" - with gummy bear treats in place of the word.
卡片上写着:“不能没有你(ican ' t (bear)tobe without you)”,“bear”一词是由一只“笨笨熊”代替的。
The paragraph uses common words but contains almost all of the sounds used in English. Here is that sixty-nine-word paragraph read by our own Bob Doughty
When we read for detail we read every word in a text and think carefully about the meaning of every sentence.
In the coming weeks and months, you'll be able to read every word of this agreement online well before I sign it.
Why then does he take so long to read just that word when he could read the others in half the time?
Read the following notice from the school principal. Then fill in the blanks to complete the dialogue. Each blank will need more than one word.
We have tried to show earlier (definitions 4 and 16) that, in order to read a word and to say what it is, the function of felt experiencing is necessary.
Listening to her last tweet, I'll read a Song, my hometown with my accent, I read from the first keyed word mildly, that parting of the secret anguish will pass in this familiar Shuibodu.
Modify the previous program to read a word list (see Section 9.1) and then print all the words in the book that are not in the word list.
Check spelling and grammar - run your page through spell check in your word processor. It won't pick up all the mistakes, so make sure you read it through yourself to find other errors.
We do not read much about progress in the New Testament, but, strangely enough, it gives us the only intelligible meaning of that vague word.
So, the title should be in the normal grammar to name, that is to say, a word to be distinguished SVO, let people read.
One great cause of prayerlessness is that we read God's Word too little, or only superficially, or in the light of human wisdom.
One great cause of prayerlessness is that we read God's Word too little, or only superficially, or in the light of human wisdom.