In most cases, how well we learn to read will depend largely on our exposure to language as children.
Our ability to interpret text, to make the rich mental connections that form when we read deeply and without distraction, remains largely disengaged.
By contrast, the audience for an obscure novel is largely composed of people who read a lot.
In a release, they said that previous studies about blogs have typically focused on the writers, "largely overlooking those who go online to read, comment and participate."
To find out the answer to this question and see whether your height, largely a genetic gift (thanks mom and dad), will affect when you will die, read the next page.
Allowing too much free space, however, could cause extra pages to be read for queries and largely defeat the purpose of using a clustering index.
And the way they read from these sources is by moving their eyes largely from the top of a page down, and in many languages, from left to right.
ROA is largely for read-only data.
Incremental backup is a good way to protect a database that is largely read-only but has some occasional INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE activity performed against it.
The participants would have largely been illiterate and even if they were able to read and write it would be pretty unlikely that they would be making notes about the results of the RACES.
Since the existing catalog application is immutable, and the catalog items are largely read-only, this is an ideal candidate for the requester-side caching pattern.
由于现有Catalog应用程序不能修改,而 Catalog项目大部分都是只读的,因此这就非常适合采用请求端缓存模式。
Besides, seats and cushions are largely available in library while readers often have to sit on the ground to read in a bookstore.
Besides, seats and cushions are largely available in library while readers often have to sit on the ground to read in a bookstore.