Supports table and row level locking and 4 isolation levels, RR (repeatable read), rs (read stability), CS (default - cursor stability) and ur (uncommitted read).
If you have a read-heavy workload, you might want to set isolation to uncommitted read (UR) at the connection level so that you don't have to specify it in each statement.
For example, if one member is updating a row, it would not be proper for another member to read the row with any other isolation level than uncommitted read.
例如,如果一个成员正在更新一行数据,那么另一个成员就不能以未提交读(uncommitted read)以外的任何隔离级别读取这一行。
Release the row locks so that other applications can SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE from the table (for example, use isolation level cursor stability or uncommitted read).
释放行锁,以便其他应用程序可以对表执行SELECT、INSERT、UPDATE和DELETE(例如,使用游标稳定性(curs or stability)隔离级别或未提交读(uncommitted read)隔离级别)。
Release the row locks so that other applications can SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE from the table (for example, use isolation level cursor stability or uncommitted read).
释放行锁,以便其他应用程序可以对表执行SELECT、INSERT、UPDATE和DELETE(例如,使用游标稳定性(curs or stability)隔离级别或未提交读(uncommitted read)隔离级别)。