Bobbie Bonti gets ready to eat the dinner her husband Gene has prepared for her.
And you only need to cook them in the microwave for a minutes to have them ready to eat.
The big cats and other animals that call cat Tales Zoological Park home are ready to eat.
Do not buy a computer on broadband, like Jiurou are ready to eat in the former as a monk.
If you plant some seeds every week or two, you will have crops ready to eat one after another.
The three children and the four monkeys were very excited. Soon the bananas would be ready to eat.
A primary reason is that bats are also often listening, waiting, and getting ready to eat... frogs.
A baby born three weeks early with mature lungs may not be ready to eat because the brain's not fully developed.
Don't take the little sticker off the peach until you're ready to eat it because the sticker will rip the skin and make it go bad faster.
Even those ingredients that seem like they might require some work - like Beth's hard boiled eggs - can be found ready to eat at the supermarket.
The limpid north river glorifies the climate and environment here. Products are plentiful and fruits are ready to eat throughout all four seasons.
However, they don't pay sales tax on food at the grocery store, unless the food they buy is prepared and ready to eat at a restaurant, a supermarket or deli.
Now you can buy the complete cooked meal, freshly prepared and ready to eat either in the supermarket, at your place of work, or to serve to the family at home.
The main reasons for food waste were identified as poor planning, busy lifestyles, bad habits, laziness and too large portion sizes for both ready to eat and prepared food.
Written on the packaging of an MRE Meal Ready to Eat, the US military's frontline ration it consisted of a message in Japanese to his wife and his final words to his children.
The parameters will help producers control and prevent contamination of ready-to-eat foods with this bacterium that can result in listeriosis, a potentially fatal disease.
A maximum level was set for certain food products where the bacteria cannot grow, while in ready-to-eat products where growth is possible, no Listeria monocytogenes will be allowed.
Embassy staff accommodated the adoptive parents, getting them mattresses to sleep on in the immigration hall and feeding them ready-to-eat meals in heated foil packets.
The Commission adopted parameters for microbiological testing and environmental monitoring for Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat food.
practices to control viruses in food, especially noroviruses (NoV) and hepatitis A (HAV) in fresh produce, mulluscan shell fish and ready-to-eat food;
Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat food.
In the coming week, Casella says the World Food Program hopes to distribute 10 million ready-to-eat rations.
Ready-to-eat chopped SPiced hAM ('SPAM') was pressed into a firm loaf and canned. The product was cheap and, at a time when cash was tight, popular.
The Embassy staff walked through the crowd, dispensing ready-to-eat packets of beef stew.
That night we sat in a room, ate MREs (Meals Ready-to-Eat) and talked late into the night.
The science and technology ministry said a prestigious Russian laboratory has approved ready-to-eat bulgogi, bibimbap, seaweed soup and mulberry juice as suitable fare for astronauts.
The science and technology ministry said a prestigious Russian laboratory has approved ready-to-eat bulgogi, bibimbap, seaweed soup and mulberry juice as suitable fare for astronauts.