Are we ready to make prostitution legal to protect working girls and their rights?
Now if you have courage and are ready to make a few mistakes, what will you say?
When the slug is ready to make a stalk, more amoebas must die so that others can live.
If you aren't ready to make good on a threat, just don't make it.
So you have to be ready to make new friends, but that's not a bad thing.
Mr Thaksin skirts the topic but insists he is ready to make peace and return home.
He was ready to make a fool of me, but I know my stones. He looked me up and down.
But some other schools are not yet ready to make any big changes in light of the crisis.
Question: : I've been with the same company for 10 years and I'm ready to make a change.
He won't lend anybody his equipment yet he's always ready to make free with my tool kit.
It's hard to travel without meeting strangers. Travellers are always ready to make new friends.
After 6 weeks of archery you will know if you are ready to make the investment of your own bow.
The same may be true in the euro zone too, but the ECB is not yet ready to make that leap of faith.
After all, until you are ready to make the leap into full-time consulting, you're still just exploring.
It now compels those in the minority to make sacrifices of a magnitude they are not necessarily ready to make.
He exuded confidence and professionalism but was self-effacing and modest, always ready to make fun of himself.
Now we're ready to make the most important thing, hoping that it will enable us to fight for the top positions.
When you are ready to make some material, you can let the agency registered enterprises to complete these things.
So, when you're getting ready to make a request, imagine that you're doing so on behalf of your team or a colleague.
That means officials must be ready to make the difficult call to tip the balance toward safety and close the schools.
'Well, if he is ready to make amends to the girls in some way, I shall certainly not discourage him,' said Mrs Bennet.
True enough, but Mr Nazarbayev himself looks in fine fettle and does not seem ready to make room for the younger generation.
At this time of the year, anyone who hasn't found that ideal employer is usually toeing the line, ready to make the final dash.
'I am not ready to make such a pronouncement, and I'd be unlikely to do so anyway about a car that looks like it was swallowed by a manatee.
As China tries to graduate from the world's factory to a nation with a strong middle class, its peasants still aren't ready to make the leap.
As China tries to graduate from the world's factory to a nation with a strong middle class, its peasants still aren't ready to make the leap.