When skilled employees are ready to move on, don't be mad, be happy for them.
Now that you're all wired up, you're ready to move on to your first use case.
Once you've examined its code, you'll be ready to move on to the next section.
When you are ready to move on, just press the “B”key again and the image reappears.
When they were ready to move on again, Coyote decided he was tired of carrying his blanket.
After the entire discovery phase is complete, you're ready to move on to phase 3: assessment.
Now that you can see beyond all the confusion, you're ready to move on to some code and concepts.
Yet he's ready to move on, knowing that "the causes I care about have campaign-tested technology to work with."
Jessica: Yes and no. The more I think about it, the more I feel like I'm ready to move on from the world of yoga.
With these libraries and tools in place, you're ready to move on to the core Snort configuration and installation.
Separate top sections gives me just what i need till I’m happy with the basics and ready to move on to the details.
Download the equivalent layers and radar return image for your area, and you'll be ready to move on to the next step.
Their feet are getting antsy and ready to move on, to pack their backpacks and explore more of this beautiful world.
Once you get a decent low density point cloud, you are ready to move on to denser point cloud and the meshing steps.
Once you can keep your level of self-discipline, you will be ready to move on to the next level by stretching yourself.
Although you may be ready to move on, your kids may still be reeling from the idea of their parents no longer being together.
If some souls are not ready to move on, they will obviously continue to experience what is normal to this present dimension.
Now we have covered everything in the Model class, so we are ready to move on to parsing the data that comes back from Flickr.
In such situations, there is a temptation to try to bluff - to suggest that if you're needs aren't meet, you're ready to move on.
With the Directory String and Octet String syntax in mind, you're ready to move on to the next step of making a data entry using ApacheDS.
脑子里有了DirectoryString和Octet string语法,就可以进行下一步,用ApacheDS制作数据条目了。
The status message of "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" means you've got your environment set up correctly and you're ready to move on to modification steps.
And that's it — with the source files compiled I'm ready to move on to running the checksum utility; but first I need to do some simple setup.
Well, in the end, we were able to save Future and Snowball but, I was at that point, ready to move on, and to cut a long story short, here's where I came to.
The shot-stopper was one of the first players to commit his future to Juve after demotion, but he's recently hinted that he's ready to move on to pastures new.
One approach isn't necessarily better than the others, but it's helpful to reflect on why you work if you're unsatisfied with your job and are ready to move on.
This is the last question we'll see in class on the photoelectric effect, so hopefully we can have a very high success rate here to show we are all ready to move on with our lives here.
This tutorial is designed for developers who understand the basic concept of XML and are ready to move on to coding applications to manipulate XML using the Document Object Model (DOM).
本教程是为如下开发人员设计的,他们理解XML的基本概念,并且准备继续编写应用程序代码,使用文档对象模型(Document Object Model,DOM)来操作 XML。
1: Its About Time: in the Season 2 premiere, Hannah throws a party with her new roommate, Elijah, and is ready to move on in her romantic life despite still tending to a needy Adam and his broken leg.
The job wasn't working out so my boss and I agreed that it was time for me to move on to a position that would show a better return for both of us. So here I am, ready to work.
Their results showed that those who had prayed for their partner harbored fewer vengeful thoughts and emotions: They were more ready to forgive and move on.