Finally, we should take concrete methods to the risks which our commercial Banks' personal real-estate loan business is confronted with, such as item risks, mortgage risks and so on.
In the opinion of industry specialists, this indicates real estate enterprises still have limited sources of funds mainly from bank loan and property presales.
Once you've picked a lender, hire a commercial real estate attorney who has experience negotiating the type of loan you're seeking.
By not raising rates quickly enough in a real estate bubble, Easy al helped let the money flow to every high-risk, no document loan applicant extant.
They must also vary the loan-to-value ratio on commercial and residential mortgages to forestall real estate bubbles.
Anyone purchasing hard assets like real estate, with a 5% fixed rate loan, ought to make good money if that happens.
But despite big write-downs, most commercial-real-estate borrowers have had the cash flow to keep loan payments current or refinance to buy more time.
Shopping for a commercial real estate loan can be tricky. Here's what you need to stay balanced.
All of this, like any bit of real estate, is obtained on a long-term loan, based on the number of square feet in the facility.
Using that as collateral, a bank gave Xie a $100 million loan for a real estate project.
Institutional investors are keen again on bank loan participations, covenant-light corporate debt, exotic asset-backed securities, and all manner of commercial real estate.
机构投资者再度热衷于银行参与贷款、盟约亮点公司债券、具有国外背景的资产担保证券(asset - backed security)以及各种形式的商业房地产。
But the company's executives made out brilliantly, cashing stock options amassed during the real estate boom, when Countrywide's share price soared along with its loan volume.
但是,这家公司高管们的日子却过得相当滋润,他们将其在房地产繁荣期间(当时Country wide公司的股价和它的贷款数量一道疯长)积聚的股票期权一一变现。
I started my first company with just $3,000 — a loan from my dad that I used to take a real estate course.
When house consuming becomes hotspot, the real estate finance also transfers its center from development loan to individual housing loan gradually.
To no resident who apply real estate loan , It is necessary to afford one year's certificate of tax payment .
The study on the relationship between the fluctuation of real estate loan and the fluctuation of real estate industry in the thesis can be divided into three parts.
Real estate is regarded as consumer goods and investment. Its price fluctuation is influenced by such factors as loan scale, market expectation, demand scale and land speculation.
The second part is about the research on the fluctuations of Chinese real estate loan and real estate industry.
From real estate development loan to the individual housing loans, Banks provide a stronger credit support, Because of this policy of support to make our real estate prices rising.
Actively propelling the securitization of the real estate mortgage can effectively decentralize the bank's loan risk and can provide new investing channel for the investors.
Looked from the financial Angle that, the capital class joins a society the initiation loan unrest, causes the stock market and the real estate market excessively prosperity.
In the light of the problems in mortgage loan of real estate, the paper presents some Suggestions and countermeasures.
According to reports, China's real estate development enterprise debt rate as high as 76%, more dependent on the sale of real estate enterprises "faster" or expand liquidity loan financing funds.
The mortgage loan of personal house comes from real estate swift and violent market of development need and the need of getting profits.
Real estate and housing price play an important role in China's economic expansion, in terms of the ratio of real estate loan to total loan and the ratio of housing value to GDP.
Real Estate serves as security for a Mortgage loan. In the event of Default on the loan the lender may sell the property to satisfy the debt.
The assets available for securitization now consist mainly of the real estate mortgage, the infrastructure loan and the account receivable of large-scale corporations.
Chapter four the development item of the real estate is assessed in the decision application study of the bank loan.
In this paper, taking the Japanese real estate bubble and sub-loan crisis in the United States as examples, we analyze the relationship abroad between excess liquidity and real estate prices.
In this paper, taking the Japanese real estate bubble and sub-loan crisis in the United States as examples, we analyze the relationship abroad between excess liquidity and real estate prices.