Although "Anime Reality Show" has been ignored by Japanese media, its overseas demand will make it a worthy part of the domestic mainstream culture.
It's not a storyline ripped from a nasty blog war or a reality show cat fight.
That will make it hard for any new reality show—good or bad—to get a strong start, he says.
She hosts the reality show "Project Runway" and received the prestigious Peabody Award in 2008.
Feng started appearing on billboards and on a reality show with two actors posing as her boyfriends.
"She hosts the reality show" Project Runway "and received the prestigious Peabody Award in 2008."
Then came an unexpected invitation to enter the BBC reality show “Strictly Come Dancing”, when he was 37.
Yet Sea Shepherd - the subject of the popular Animal Planet reality show Whale Wars - isn't holding back.
Have you forgotten you're listening to a reality show and started to think you're hearing "The Bodyguard"?
Toddlers & Tiaras, better known as ‘the atrocious reality show on legal child abuse’, has become wildly popular.
So You Think You Can Dance is an American dance competition and reality show that airs on Fox in the United States.
Do you like watching Talents search Program or Reality Show? Please tick the ones you like most. (maximum two).
One day, out for a hike in Los Angeles with a friend, we crossed paths with a film crew shooting a reality show.
Adapt to such changes is also a reality show it is also in constant competition and an expression of reflection.
Pasik said the project is part art, part reality show, part journalism and part fun. But it is definitely not vigilantism.
It's not a storyline ripped from a nasty blog war or a reality show cat fight. It's the drama of the 1953 discovery of DNA.
Watch real men learn how to become better husbands from the Brawny Man himself in this exclusively online reality show.
Latest TV has "International Chef Exchange", a reality show in which Dutch and English cooks swap lives for a few days.
And you may now, like the contestants on HGTV 's newest reality show, wish you had a little cash to get out of the hole.
It drove people around the world to pictures, videos, sound bites, and blogs in a true reality show of life, dreams, and death.
For example, I was once approached by a freelance TV producer I'll call Fred, who wanted to create a life-coaching reality show.
Take the well-known approach featured on the cable TV reality show "Intervention" aimed at getting addicts and alcoholics into treatment.
以有线电视真实现场秀“ intervention(干预)”中提供的著名方法来说,这个方法是为了让瘾君子和酗酒者接受治疗。
Which kind of stars do you support more? The winners of talent show(reality show)or orthodox stars? Choose one option then explain why.
Robert Verdi, a fashion stylist and a host of Surprise by Design, a makeover reality show on the Discovery Channel, is a self-described xoxo offender.
It is the last day of taping for her reality show, New Girl in the Office, and in a sweltering Beijing studio, Yang is coaching an audience of college-age women.
The video of Boyle's performance on the reality show Britain's Got Talent has set the record for the number of views in a week–and it shows no sign of slowing down.
The video of Boyle's performance on the reality show Britain's Got Talent has set the record for the number of views in a week–and it shows no sign of slowing down.