In other words, if a fund liquidated all profits, the supposed 20% taken out first would actually be larger than 20% of the total realized profit.
Studio heads realized that they couldn't make virtually the same film over and over again with the same cast of stars and still expect to keep turning a profit.
Agassi realized that if he turned a profit on the fuel, he could radically subsidize the cars, much as cell phone carriers sell minutes and heavily subsidize the phones.
Therefore, has not realized the internal sale profit is carries on the goods in stock interior transaction to offset processing the basic agent.
His hopes for serving in uniform dashed, Dannl realized that there was profit and excitement to be had in the art of confidence and grifting.
The result shows that profit Pareto improvement between the vendor and the buyers can be realized through common replenishment epoch strategy .
The net profits of the combined party which has been realized prior to the combination shall be reflected through an item separately presented in the profit statement.
Operators hope to improve staff quality through training, thus increasing the profit. However, the results are not always ideal the goal of training can only be realized partly.
经营者希冀通过培训 ,提高从业人员的素质 ,从而增加盈利 ,但培训效果常常不够理想 ,培训目标只能部分地实现。
However, after talking with Mr. Wu, we realized that in a low-income city like Ji 'an, the profit margin in video production is very modest.
The gross profit and the net income are reduced for the period in which the decline occurred and (2) an approximately normal gross profit is realized during the period in which the item is sold.
If the ratio is less than 1, indicating that there has not realized a net profit of the current cash income.
The net profits of the merged party which has been realized prior to the combination shall be reflected through an item separately presented in the profit statement.
The equipment got great profit and realized zero discharge. The environment pollution of dilute acid in original process were solved with the zero discharge, and got much better social benefit.
该套装置不仅可获得很大的经济效益,还可以实现零排放, 系统不排废水,从源头上解决了传统工艺中大量稀酸对环境的污染,具有较大的社会效益。
Realized make up deficits and increase surpluses, promoted target of profit of produce and sale relatively grow substantially.
Realized make up deficits and increase surpluses, promoted target of profit of produce and sale relatively grow substantially.