The sight of those sun-warmed cheeks, and fingers twining round the flower-stalks, her pearly teeth, and hair all fragrant, stole the reason out of Shelton.
The sight of those sun-warmed cheeks, and fingers twining round the flower-stalks, her pearly teeth, and hair all fragrant, stole the reason out of shelton .
With every reason to believe that life in the persistence of it is driving us out of our terrestrial sphere, etc.
The reason, of course, is that on some level they don't want a solution; they want to be validated in their position that the world is out to get them.
The reason for this increased cloud cover, it turns out, is the exceptionally large amount of microscopic marine plants.
The other reason to break out "cost of revenues" is that it will most likely increase with revenues whereas the other expenses may not.
One reason is that American money-market funds are warily shifting their money out of Europe.
Plus, this ritual gives me a reason to get out of bed and get my day started.
Parents, fearing ever shabbier public schools, have another reason to think about moving out of state.
One reason Western donors got out of hard infrastructure is that they thought the private sector could fill this void.
You are paying for people to work in another country, similar to the first reason, you are effectively putting people out of work in your own country.
You probably know which one you are, but did you know that there may be a biological reason why some people are out of bed at dawn while others prefer to burn the midnight oil?
There is a plethora of women out there, who would disagree with me. The biggest reason for this disagreement, is a negative perception of narcissism.
We must also recognize that poverty is the number one reason for girls staying out of school.
It reminds me that there's a reason I don't seek out the thrill of theme-park roller coasters.
Part of the reason, Mr. Geithner believes, is that European nations haven't spelled out the details of how the procedure would work.
Our competition will most likely suffer the same pain when for some reason OSGi goes out of fashion, or some cooler component model comes along.
This is in fact the reason why Glimmer supports 3rd party widgets out of the box.
We could not reason out which way the robbers escaped, because we were unable to find any trace of them.
We'd better present the facts and reason things out instead of quarreling.
The reason for leaving these out is that many teams depend on specific versions of those assemblies.
One reason for rejecting sulphate hazing out of hand might be the damage it could do to the ozone layer.
An obvious point, perhaps; but yet another reason why the love is draining out of a special relationship.
The reason all hell always breaks out over biscuits is not in spite of their triviality, but because of it.
It's this reason why experts advise parents against helicoptering their children out of college if they complain about homesickness.
Yet as ominous as the drumbeat out of Europe is, there is some reason to believe the dancing will go on for a bit.
But this is growing at perhaps 20-30% a year, for the simple reason that legal costs are out of control.
但出于一个很简单的原因——诉讼费用的失控,这个数字正以每年20- 30%的速度增长。
All these things may deliver happiness in varying amounts, but these areas of pursuit are inherently flawed for one simple reason: they are external to you and therefore largely out of your control.
All these things may deliver happiness in varying amounts, but these areas of pursuit are inherently flawed for one simple reason: they are external to you and therefore largely out of your control.