He drew reassurance from the enthusiastic applause.
If Diana is worried, doesn't she want some reassurance from Tony?
MARY BETH: Steven, just a thought. If Diana is worried, doesn't she want some reassurance from Tony?
More reassurance from the boss, spending more time with family and good performance from sports teams also featured in the list.
Each person retreats into a corner, making it harder and harder for the two to express their fundamental attachment needs, foreclosing the ability to gain reassurance from each other.
She felt as though she were reassuring him suddenly, though what reassurance he would take from the health of the Biosphere's inhabitants she couldn't fathom.
From Japan Mr Obama flew to Singapore, for a regional summit in need of reassurance about America's renewed commitment to Asia and the Pacific.
Old people, far from their families in our mobile, atomized society, depend on their doctors for care and reassurance.
He offers reassurance that some of man's odder impulses, from high-stakes gambling to bungee-jumping or wearing stiletto heels, are rooted in evolutionary necessity.
If the Fed strengthened this reassurance, that could help to keep longer-term interest rates from rising.
Symptoms of borderline personality disorder include severe insecurity about relationships, fears of abandonment and constant, needy reassurance-seeking from partners.
WHAT HE MEANS: “Let’s not dwell on it。” Men come from the school of suck-it-up, while women tend to need more reassurance if something is bothering them。
But greater reassurance comes from the fact that even a big shakeout in heavy industry would be unlikely to derail the Chinese consumer.
In order to promote recovery, reassurance should be given, other injuries attended to and pain relieved. The casualty should be handled gently and carefully, and protected from cold.
From them, more than from the secular Church, men sought moral guidance, emotional reassurance, and, on occasion, effective protest.
The harsh voice commands the dog to do whatever you're telling it to and the progressively softer voices graduate from a command to gentle reassurance that the dog has done the correct thing.
Sense of safety from birth is very important. This can be given by parents or caregivers. Comfort and reassurance at the sport are also important.
Sense of safety from birth is very important. This can be given by parents or caregivers. Comfort and reassurance at the sport are also important.