Many other experts have noted this phenomenon, known as the energy rebound effect.
This negative rebound effect is more likely in environmentally motivated households.
Our nasal mists are non-habit forming and will not cause reliance or a rebound effect.
Wegner, Wenzlaff, and Kozak used the rebound effect to cause people to dream about a particular person.
For economists, this rebound effect can be explained by the cheaper energy prices due to improved efficiency.
It has been dubbed the 'post-suppression rebound effect' and may well be crucial to many aspects of our everyday experience.
The rebound effect is a method to control the contents of someone else's dream: Inception works in the movies and in real life.
And it was believed that the rebound effect following the Ice Age would result in our planet becoming more of a perfect sphere.
Wegner and colleagues found a rebound effect: Trying to suppress thoughts about the target person increased dreaming about that person!
A rebound effect is at work: car dealers and Banks that stopped advertising in 2008 have decided they cannot stay out of the market for ever.
The rebound effect was first proposed in the 19th century but, until now, there has been very little research on how significant it might be.
The product is designed to have a seat like a spring rebound effect and the formation of double-flex seat, make sure the ball seal reliability.
You might be surprised to learn that stopping daily aspirin therapy can have a rebound effect that may increase your risk of heart attack or stroke.
Since the discovery of the rebound effect researchers have probed the situations in which it occurs, especially how suppression interacts with emotions.
An introduction of the evolving theory and the classification of rebound effect is given. Then the direct and indirect rebound effects are investigated.
Our new understanding of the rebound effect reinforces the case for price-based measures, such as carbon taxes and emissions trading, to control emissions directly.
The rebound effect refers to a behavioral or other systemic response to a measure taken to reduce environmental impacts that offsets the effect of the measure.
The "rebound effect" will be undermined by the unsuitable pressure maintain process, resulting in the apparent decrease of mechanical strength of catalyst pellets.
The domestic environmental load is then decomposed into the rebound effect caused by economic growth and the depressurization effect induced by the efficiency increase.
Discontinuation of the product may cause a rebound effect (worsening of the condition) and you should therefore consult your doctor or healthcare provider about suitable treatments.
Since then, says Steve Sorrel, an economist who produced a report about the rebound effect for Britain's Energy Research Centre, there has been little research into just how big the rebound effect is.
Because frequent use of over-the-counter pain relievers can set off a "rebound" effect, leading to more headaches, treatment should be discussed with a doctor.
Over long periods (more than three years or so) an opposite anomaly known as the value effect occurs: shares that are depressed in price tend to rebound.
While any kind of athletic shoe can provide a certain amount of rebound, energy-return sneakers are designed to maximize this effect.
However, under some parameters, the rebound phenomena of bactericidal effect appear, which requires in depth discussion.
While any kind of athletic shoe can provide a certain amount of rebound, energy-return sneakers are designed to maximize this effect.
AIM: to evaluate the prophylactic effect of aminophylline on the pulmonary hypertension rebound reaction to exposure to no in the hypoxic pigs.
While any kind of athletic shoe can provide a certain amount of rebound, energy-return sneakers are designed to maximize this effect.
While any kind of athletic shoe can provide a certain amount of rebound, energy-return sneakers are designed to maximize this effect.