Memoizing a function adds a transparent caching wrapper to the function, so that function values that have already been obtained are returned from a cache rather than being rebuilt each time.
As the needs of updating the industry, restructuring enterprise, enhancing the brand and other reasons, its function should be redefined and the existing buildings will be rebuilt.
As the outlet pipe of well F1 is exposed, it has completed rotten, and lost the drainage function, so we have to rebuilt the downstream offtake.
由于人井f1的出水管暴露在人井外,且已锈蚀腐烂,完全失去了排水作用。故f 1下游排水渠需从新铺设。
As the outlet pipe of well F1 is exposed, it has completed rotten, and lost the drainage function, so we have to rebuilt the downstream offtake.
由于人井f1的出水管暴露在人井外,且已锈蚀腐烂,完全失去了排水作用。故f 1下游排水渠需从新铺设。