Can I recall a previous belief I used to hold strongly to that I now reject?
As you might recall from the previous articles in this series, outbound processing is when a module makes requests to send or retrieve information to or from an EIS using an import.
Sometimes it’s also helpful to recall one of your previous successes with conquering a complex task just to get yourself in a positive mindset.
Sometimes it's also helpful to recall one of your previous successes with conquering a complex task just to get yourself in a positive mindset.
Recall from the previous articles that an export allows service calls into a module and an import allows a module to call other services.
Recall that when you're filling out your table, you can sometimes get a maximum score in a cell from more than one of the previous cells.
With the classic 'now taken out' advertising being the only previous recall, the brand owners felt there was a strong rationale to delve back into Allinson's genuine history to drive interest today.
You might recall that the xm builder I wrote in previous columns provided both a class name (to load the plug-in) and a project nature (to decide whether it's worth loading the plug-in) in plugin.xml.
您可能还记得上一期文章中编写的xmbuilder,它在plugin . xml中提供了类名(以便加载插件)和项目特性(确定是否需要加载该插件)。
At this moment, the more do not want to recall that the previous thoughts more like a weed like crazy in the memory of soaring!
In a previous solution, I recall setting up code-behind-type hub connections for unit testing.
This recall is an expansion on a previous recall. The original recall is still in effect.
Participants were asked to remember what they had eaten the previous day, known as a 24-hour recall.
In 2015, General Motors' most important goal was to distance itself from the ignition switch recall scandal that cast a pall over the historic brand for much of the previous year.
In 2015, General Motors' most important goal was to distance itself from the ignition switch recall scandal that cast a pall over the historic brand for much of the previous year.