Then we proposed a method called type restoration to improve the recall rate of identification.
It is especially fit for retrieval in the case of lower recall rate or pre-retrieval in large scale image library.
The algorithm accuracy rate and the recall rate can both reach 90%, which reflects a good classification performance.
What is interesting about these findings, though, is the recall rate for these ads when comparing iPhone users with others.
In addition, compared to single signature, multi-signature can improve the recall rate further in duplicate image detection.
Different from English, there is no natural participle marks in Chinese, which reduces the recall rate and precision further.
Semantic similarity is the crucial factor affecting the precision rate and recall rate of semantic information retrieval system.
The authors provide a algorithm applied to Source Discovery based on Metadata and evaluated with recall rate and precise rate index.
The experimental results show that the method can greatly enhance user retrieval precision and recall rate compared to traditional methods.
New word recall rate and accuracy of two indicators shows that this design of unknown words automatically recognize the new method is feasible.
What 's more, the self-learning mechanism is used to enrich ontologies vocabularies in order to enhance the precision rate and the recall rate.
The experiment sample the raw test of novel Hero Borns to test for times, and it acquires an accuracy of 86.93%, while an recall rate of 91.83%.
Experiments show that the precision of the two retrieval models is the same as keywords retrieval model, but the recall rate is improved greatly.
The system performance is analyzed in details and the changes of the precision rate and the recall rate under different conditions is researched.
Experimental results show that it is efficient and robust for social media Web pages with various styles and layouts with high precision and recall rate.
The experiments show the methods of domain-specific ontologies matching and self-learning mechanism are vital to increase the precision rate and the recall rate.
Most did not consider the semantic description of capabilities, the recall rate and precision rate is often not satisfactory, not serve the purpose of software reuse.
The main goal of topical web robot is not only to fulfill the recall rate, but also to improve the precision rate, providing search engine with a topical web warehouse.
The experimental results on dataset PKDD2009 show that the new model can achieve a higher precision and recall rate, which outperforms the nave method and co-occurrence method.
This thesis puts forward a kind of smoothing mechanism on the basis of traditional statistical information, which guarantees recall rate of candidate names extraction reach 99%;
The experiment results obtained from the retrieval system to ensure the precision is not much lose, the recall rate has been greatly improved than the traditional retrieval system.
This paper describes the algorithm of this system, and the experiment result shows its upper recall and precision rate. Its recall rate reaches 93.75% and precision rate reaches 83.95%.
Precision rate and recall rate are all considered in this method, which gains better recognizable effect After test, the recall rate and precision rate are respectively 91.35% and 92.23%.
This thesis aims at the efficiency problem of accuracy and recall rate in XML retrieval. Based on tree matching, the thesis makes a further study on the XML retrieval technology about metadata.
The experimental results showed that this system had a higher precision and recall rate. It proved that the hybrid approach presented in this paper had certain research meaning and applied worthiness.
The parser was evaluated on the standard test set with PARSEVAL metric. It performed with the precision of 85.89% and the recall rate of 85.61% on the sentences with gold segmentation and POS tagging.
Experimental results show that the proposed method is able to achieve recall rate of 97.3 % and precision rate of 88.5% after removing pseudo-plates of 92.5% which is comparable to existed techniques.
Now, tests showed that there was a faster rate of forgetting among the youngest children, but most importantly it showed that the development of recall did not depend on language development.
As this is several times the baseline rate of affliction, it has forced the recall of over 500m eggs.
Recall what Obama Sr. said in his 1965 paper: There is no tax rate too high, and even a 100% rate is justified under certain circumstances.