Recent posts - displays list of the blog's most recent posts.
'recent posts' - displays list of the blog's most recent posts.
'最近的文章' ' '—显示博客最近的文章的列表。
My Audio School is set up to show the 30 most recent posts on the first page of each category.
我的音频学校在初始页设置为显示30个帖子。 要查看更多,只需按该页面底部前一页。 我们希望你能喜欢使用我的音频学校!
The list of navigation items includes Categories, WordPress:Pages, Archives, and even the most recent posts.
To update a specific feed simply click on it when on the home screen. This will load a list full of recent posts.
Listing 2 USES the Services_Delicious package of PHP to connect to the Web service and retrieve a list of recent posts.
清单2利用PHP Services_Delicious包链接到del. icio . usWeb服务和检索最新提交的列表。
To bring you the current series on the psychology of persuasion I've been reading lots of research, much more than is covered in recent posts.
When you first go to the Manage posts SubPanel, the fifteen most recent posts are presented as rows in this table. The columns displayed are.
One which would list the most recent posts (the standard 10 posts most recently added), and another which would contain only one post from the category 'featured'.
The report said that readers are more likely to read the most recent posts, unconcerned about age, and that they were not bothered when they couldn't read every post.
For example, if the post rate is 100 posts-per-hour, and your average user checks the feed once an hour, generate your feed so that it contains the 100 most recent posts.
Note that since weblog posts are traditionally listed in reverse chronological order (with most recent posts at the top), there is some ambiguity in the definition of "next page".
As we have been explaining in recent posts, this current era of the Web (which some have termed "Web 3.0", a term we're ambivalent about) has a big focus on using data and making it smarter.
This method retrieves each follower's name and ID, and then uses the ID to make a second request, this time through the getPosts() method, to retrieve the follower's three most recent posts.
该方法检索每个follower 的姓名和ID,然后使用此 ID 发出第二个请求,此次通过getPosts() 方法来检索 follower 的最近三个帖子。
The son of a taxi driver also continues the recent trend of MPs from humble backgrounds filling one of the most gilded posts in British public life.
Remember, you want to place the posts by those other users in reverse-chronological order (most recent on top).
Returns an array of structs corresponding to recent blog posts.
I still have more to report from my recent trip to the East Coast, and I'll try to have additional posts in the weeks to come.
A little further down the page, recent wall posts appear if they've been posted in the last few days.
But it is worse among those recent graduates stuck in temporary or part-time posts or working in non-legal jobs.
I saw that I had four new friend requests, so in the process of accepting them, I see that another blogger has referenced one of my posts in a recent blog, so I click over to her site.
The hurdles are worth negotiating for anyone who likes the stimulation of a multilingual, multicultural environment, says Aurélien Juliard, a successful applicant for a recent batch of 200 posts.
Abduzeedo suggests ideas for finding the right article and lists popular and recent blog posts as well as a tag cloud.
The idea is to create a personalized feed by finding the most recent ten posts by bloggers that I know.
There have been a zillion stories, blog posts, online comments, reports, tweets, and who knows what else in recent months about how much income tax U.S. companies do or don't pay.
Job fairs and agents are the traditional ways to fill posts. But new methods are needed to handle the recent boom in the labor market.
In my last two posts I wrote about a recent holiday trip I took to rural Malaysia. The purpose of the trip was not shopping or sightseeing, but relaxing.
In my last two posts I wrote about a recent holiday trip I took to rural Malaysia. The purpose of the trip was not shopping or sightseeing, but relaxing.