In London the 150 charging points recently installed by TfL have been branded under the Source London logo.
The German city of Augsburg recently installed traffic lights in the ground in front of two train stations.
I just recently installed Berkeley DB 6.0.30 so that I could use it in a server-side app that I plan to write.
The Ukrainian city lvov has recently installed what might just be the world's biggest crossword (in physical size).
Question: I recently installed WebSphere Portal 5.1 and I'm planning, together with my customer, to develop some portlets.
问:我最近安装了WebSpherePortal 5.1并计划与我的客户一起合作开发一些Portlet。
An IRREVERENT official at the International Monetary Fund recently installed a jarring ringtone on his mobile phone. It is the sound of cans being kicked down a road.
One of the summer's busiest beer gardens has recently installed a new roof and four gas burning fire places to keep you warm while you enjoy a cold draft beer (RMB8).
In another security measure, anti-aircraft missile batteries were recently installed around the capital's new National Stadium, which is known as the Bird's Nest.
Pippa is already installed in James's magnificent, stucco-fronted house in London's Chelsea, where her bethrothed has recently installed his and hers dressing rooms.
Recently installed systems tend to have excess capacity, and since the immediate marginal costs of using them seem to be negligible, management often encourages new uses.
The signs were recently installed by a collaboration between my sign division and another sign company, with both of us providing parts of the overall project for the city and county.
Taxpayers are paying what could amount to a multimillion-dollar premium for power from recently installed solar panels on the roofs of state-owned buildings, including several airports.
In fact, neighbors now pay her 20 cents to charge their phones, although that business may soon evaporate: 63 families in Kiptusuri have recently installed their own solar power systems.
My dad recently needed a new hard drive installed and he asked to have his personal Quicken files removed from the old drive.
If you've bought a new computer recently, you probably have a 64-bit processor and installed the 64-bit version of your Linux distribution.
If you've downloaded and installed Windows 7 Beta recently, I think you'll enjoy this list of my thirty favorite secrets.
News Corp recently ousted MySpace co-founder and CEO Chris DeWolfe and installed its own management team.
Most recently, we installed the Amadeus Agency Internet Engine, a cost-effective and customised solution that helped us to expand our operations, not just in the Philippines but across the region.
最近,我们安装了一项具成本效益和定制式的技术——Amadeus旅行社互联网引擎(Amadeus Agency Internet Engine),其帮助我们不仅在菲律宾而且在整个亚太地区扩张业务。
So, I put SVG on the back burner for a while, until I recently discovered that a subset of SVG is installed in Mozilla Firefox V1.5.
因此有段时间我把SVG放在了一边,直到最近发现SVG的一个子集安装到了MozillaFirefox V1.5中。
The company says it has sold thousands of the medallions, which recently were installed at a New York cemetery's memorial to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
The company says it has sold thousands of the medallions, which recently were installed at a New York cemetery's memorial to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.