This is perfectly understandable behaviour on the part of consumers and firms-but behaviour which has led to a collapse of demand, a collapse of output and the deep recession we are now in.
消费者和公司这样的行为完全可以理解- - -但是导致需求崩溃的行为,我们现在进入了一个产量的衰减和深层的衰退。
On the one hand, sharply reducing demand in economies that are recovering only weakly from recession may cause much unnecessary pain.
In a recession, if more people seek to borrow less or save more there is reduced demand, hence fewer jobs.
The bilateral deficit fell sharply in 2009, but that was because U.S. demand shriveled in the wake of a recession, not because of currency changes.
First, the U.S. has entered a severe recession that is already leading to deflationary forces in sectors where supply vastly exceeds demand (housing, consumer durables, motor vehicles, etc.).
The worst recession in living memory means a dramatic collapse in demand for goods everywhere.
Gas prices have tumbled in the past couple of years as new projects, especially shale, came on stream just as the global recession lessened demand.
The US, which accounts for as much as half of diamond demand, is in recession and that has had repercussions for Botswana.
Unlike other rich countries, America lacks the “automatic stabilisers” that kick in during times of recession to help boost demand.
Unlike other rich countries, America lacks the "automatic stabilisers" that kick in during times of recession to help boost demand.
First, run up large budget deficits to make up for plummeting private demand in the recession.
They say Japan's long recession in the 1990's showed such handouts to be ineffective in stimulating demand.
Demand is not going to come from the rest of the world: many other countries are in recession.
In the past decade both have been pounded by recession, rising fuel prices and demand for greater energy efficiency.
Unlike other rich countries, America lacks the "automatic stabilisers" that kick in during times of recession to help boost demand. Unemployment benefit is extremely limited.
As lending standards tighten, consumer demand could suffer, possibly prompting a recession in the United States.
It is true that Mr Obama's solution to the recession-spending public money in order to stimulate demand and trying to prevent a run on the banks-is supported by most economists.
The fact that prices are still well above their 2006 average, even in a recession, suggests that the spike of 2008 did not signal a mere bubble-but rather, a genuine mismatch of supply and demand.
Recession cycles are thought to be a normal part of living in a world of inexact balances between supply and demand.
Theoretically, an increase in production eventually will boost prices. But, as Thursday's bleak retail sales figures reinforce, this recession has hobbled demand.
Increased austerity and weaker demand for exports have combined to plunge Portugal into its deepest recession in 30 years.
A recession is defined by a attenuated demand for goods, accumulated unemployment, and decline in the large national product.
One problem with rebuilding on the site is that, in these times of recession, there isn't enough commercial demand for the new buildings that would replace the World Trade towers.
A recession is characterized by a decreased demand for goods, increased unemployment, and decline in the gross national product.
A recession is characterized by a decreased demand for goods, increased unemployment, and decline in the gross national product.