He will have to reckon for his bad behaviour sooner or later.
Retail sales fell by 1.6% in the year to September, and economists at Barclays Capital reckon new-car sales fell to their lowest level in October since 1997, once seasonal factors are adjusted for.
Observers reckon it cleared the path for Citigroup and Carlyle.
Analysts at HSBC, a bank, reckon that the full cost of producing power from wind turbines, for instance, is about one sixth the cost of producing it from photovoltaic plants.
They reckon the merger would result in “higher prices, fewer choices and lower quality products for mobile wireless services”.
Berlin police reckon that this last explanation accounts for around one-third of car-burnings.
Messrs Oliner, Sichel and Stiroh, for instance, reckon trend productivity growth is around 2.25%.
Now researchers led by Alex Zettl of the University of California, Berkeley, have devised a method that will, they reckon, let people store information electronically for a billion years.
伯克利州加利福尼亚大学的Alex Zettl目前带领研究人员设计出一个方法,据他们估计,可以使人类通过电子技术将信息保存十亿年。
OECD researchers reckon that at least 19% of migrants who arrived in America at the turn of the millennium had left for other destinations five years later.
He lost out - but we reckon that, given he got to hang on for lots more films instead of wearing a turban and then getting done in by an 11 year-old, he's probably over it now.
鉴于他接着出演了其他多部电影,而非包着个头巾让个11岁的小破孩K O掉,我们估计他已经从当初失败的怨念中走出来了吧。
Most energy experts reckon that using maize-based ethanol as a substitute for petrol can reduce America's demand for petrol by 10-15% at best.
Some forecasters reckon that competition will rapidly expand the market for personal cloud-based services.
That includes many individuals with esoteric skills that are of little use in everyday life - like being able to instantly reckon the day of the week for any past or future date.
Worryingly for those betting on a swift economic recovery, business schools reckon that next year could yield an even bigger crop of applicants.
Experts reckon this number will keep rising for several reasons, including a sluggish jobs market and workers' growing desire for the flexibility to be able to look after parents or children.
Most observers, including the IASB, reckon this will cut the proportion of assets held at fair value, which is about 50% for big European firms.
Some senior postal executives reckon that next-day delivery will have to go, at least for business customers.
Analysts reckon that roaming charges account for 5-10% of operators' revenues globally, and a bigger slice of profits.
The two authors reckon that this competition accounts for about half of the increase in the household saving rate in 1990-2007.
Dr Boss and her colleagues reckon they have seen enough tracks to provide evidence for the emergence of high-energy neutrons from their experiment.
The authors reckon that there is a range of prices for bundles that would make both buyers and sellers better off than a single price per song.
Others reckon it would be more practical (and less costly) to help to build sea defences for the Niger and Nile deltas and to protect Congo's rainforest.
Ford’s cash position is stronger—company insiders reckon that it might be able to scrape through on its own resources—but its chief executive, Alan Mulally, was not on Capitol Hill just for the ride.
Some economists reckon that next year China’s exports may see no growth (in dollar terms) for the first time in more than 25 years.
Analysts reckon that LVMH’s profit margins for its luxury brands are a healthy 40% or so—twice as high as some of its rivals.
For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time [are] not worthy [to be compared] with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
It might seem odd that makers of fast cars for people unfazed by the cost of fuel should worry about retooling them for a greener age, but the Germans reckon greenery plays to their strengths.
But he does reckon that for BarCap, "Lehman was four to five years' worth of growth in one deal," and that "we do need to get more balanced."
Whatever I do for one I have to do for the other, so it's a fine balance. My mates reckon it's a cool problem to have.
Whatever I do for one I have to do for the other, so it's a fine balance. My mates reckon it's a cool problem to have.