What would you recommend for removing ink stains?
Recommend for USES in high constant loads and severe loading conditions.
In many respects, the book is one I'd recommend for anyone who claims to follow Christ.
Master Huang: I'll have some red wine. Make it the house wine. Hmm, what do you recommend for tonight?
Does SOA, in your opinion, requires specialized presentation and what can you recommend for its implementation?
See you recommend for the collocation of editing means, let the bride is not for jewelry and dress collocation.
Highly recommend for the experienced poker player who can work out the odds in his head and takes advice from no-one.
Both item association and user association can be used to recommend for the current user in Rule-based recommendation.
Therefore, the AHEI score maybe a useful clinical tool to assess diet quality and to recommend for the prevention of diabetes.
What do you recommend for someone who worked up a man-sized appetite from a morning of weight training and cardio funk? A shower.
The panel was not asked to specifically recommend for or against approval. The FDA usually follows the advice of its advisory panels.
Chances are that other freelancers need additional man-power or need someone to recommend for a gig they can’t accept every once in a while.
The select of the bride's evening dress is also count for much, perfect begin, certainly also want perfect recommend for a day of delectation.
So "friends" is close, but the English that you can learn from it is real, maybe another show I can recommend for the people is called "the office".
Nothing could be further from the truth. Of all the things we as physicians can recommend for health, few provide as much benefit as physical activity.
Today, the approach that many search engines still recommend for some level of crawling efficiency is to make an HTML-based site map page available for a crawler to pick up.
如今,许多搜索引擎仍然推荐实现某一级别爬行效率的方法,那就是使爬虫程序可以爬行基于HTML 的站点地图页面。
This is a children's novel that I might not recommend for the kids, but anybody with an interest in Victorian fairy tales and a bit of controversy absolutely must pick this one up.
A book I recommend for all parents is Fit Kids (Broadman &Holman Publishers) by Kenneth H. Cooper, M.D., founder and president of the world-renowned Cooper Institute in Dallas, Texas.
To prepare contract document for erection of equipments structure Hydraulics etc. review and compare various offers have subsequent discussions and recommend for finalizing the contractor.
Airlines recommend hard-sided cases for durability.
In general, many lifestyle medicine physicians recommend a plant-based diet—particularly for people with diabetes or other inflammatory conditions.
For these reasons, we recommend that the city eliminate funding for the Grandview Symphony Orchestra from next year's budget.
If you plan on attending future career fairs, I recommend you sign up for one of our interview workshops.
We recommend, then, that the Committee for a Better Oak City vote to restrict its membership to city residents only.
To ensure that your resume works for (and not against) you, I recommend writing it more like a proposal than a job description.
If you are going to spend some money, what I'd recommend more than anything else is that you invest in some well-made window locks for your house.
If my friend was thinking about leaving her career, but didn't know which one to choose, I would first recommend her to search for work that best fits her values.
If my friend was thinking about leaving her career, but didn't know which one to choose, I would first recommend her to search for work that best fits her values.