Some versions seem to be recommendable but lack of sufficient theoretical support.
After longer storage separations. In this case it is recommendable to stir the product before use.
These practices are not in themselves detrimental. Gymnastics is even a highly recommendable exercise.
This series I recommendable for business elites and those tea lovers with some understanding of old age Puer tea.
So, it is very recommendable to seek a medical advice since the doctor can prescribe the antihistamines without the sedating effect.
Results of tests for soil samples taking from Runyang great bridge demonstrated that the application of the method is recommendable.
Only the value standard that profits to social development and human's benefit in dividual and social group is reasonable and recommendable.
The article also makes the recommendable Suggestions for usefully putting the honing process with the worm type hone into the production line.
Numerical simulation and core experiment show that wide molecule weight polymer is recommendable for polymer flooding in the second type reservoir.
Remark and evaluation about the essentials of the indirect correlation and the way recommendable to the direct correlation were made in this paper.
Conclusion Bilateral chest navel flaps with nerves are recommendable to all kinds of hospitals for repairing the avulsion injury of total hand skin.
At least 1 year under adequate storage conditions. After longer storage separations. In this case it is recommendable to stir the product before use.
The results show that tricocyst test of Tetrahymena pyriformis is a recommendable, handy, and reliable method for biomonitoring with freshwater species.
Conclusion the partial saturation technique is highly valuable in the MR abdomen water imaging. It is a recommendable method for MR abdomen water imaging.
So it is recommendable to provide a meaningful text label (" OK "vs." Alarm ") or a symbol (checkmark vs. exclamation mark) in addition to the color coding.
“警告”,或符号“对号”vs .“感叹号”代替有色码。
It is worthy of paying attention that the PE device has higher energy recovery efficiency, up to 94%. It is a recommendable device in seawater desalination field.
值得关注的是,压力转换器,回收效率可达94 % ,在海水淡化系统中对于降低能耗有更重要的意义。
The conclusion points out, that it is not recommendable to use such a positioned heater as a substitute for the turbine regeneration system's second stage low pr…
Then, it compares Chinese export rebate system with other countries' and proposes some recommendable suggestions to existing problems on our export rebate system.
The practice of lifelong learning and its policy orientation in West Europe are worth studying and recommendable to our country in the practice of lifelong learning.
The especially faraway places I felt before seems not so far away, and traveling by electromobiles was highly recommendable since it was both flexible and economical.
According to the research project in my college writing class, my conclusion is that the total acquisition of (continuous) assessment is recommendable in ELT classroom.
In order to support group work through computers, especially to support group cooperative work, the utilization of workflow technology is a recommendable disposal method.
Note: any projects involved in biology, physiology, biophysics, epidemiology or clinical research on normal skin related to the above research domain will be considered recommendable.
Conclusion The method presented in this study showed good accuracy, more precision, simplicity and reproducibility as a recommendable option for quality control of tobramycin sulfate drops.
Conclusion The method presented in this study showed good accuracy, more precision, simplicity and reproducibility as a recommendable option for quality control of tobramycin sulfate drops.