Although this seems to work with some tubes, it is not a recommended practice.
In general, it is a recommended practice to assess volatility and volume with the same basis.
Showing an alert is not a recommended practice if you are developing a Web page for production use.
You can also add unit tests to the master test suite, although it is not a recommended practice.
SNT-TC-1A Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing
The use of lang files in writing modules and plug-ins is optional, but a good recommended practice to follow.
The modifications made to the recommended practice are intended to suit all clients and potential clients' needs.
We are going to assume that you will be relying on the SI Buses entirely, which at this point, is the recommended practice.
It is a recommended practice that the application is run on these production-like platforms by developers on a regular basis.
When upgrading to a new version of WebSphere MQ, the recommended practice is to upgrade the repositories to the new version first.
Misuse of ASNT Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A in this particular area has been one of the main objections to its application.
在这个特殊领域中,滥用ASNT推荐实施细则SNT - TC - 1a已经是对它的应用的主要异议之一。
Every night, spend 10 minutes before the professional teacher recommended practice yoga movements, you can achieve your dreams.
The data cleansing pattern specifies a recommended practice for how to improve the data quality of persistent data either at entry or later.
The original ASNT Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A was published in October 1966 and was not revised except editorially until June 1975.
The recommended practice of not having too many service classes in a system still holds true, even for WebSphere Application Server workloads.
It is inevitable that whenever opinions are gathered there is an expectation that compliance with recommended practice is confirmed as being present.
Answer: You certainly can automate the deployment process of Enterprise Applications (EAR), in fact, it is the recommended practice that has been used by many customers.
答:您当然可以使部署EnterpriseApplications (EAR)的流程自动化。实际上,这是由许多客户使用过的推荐方法。
Synchronization coverage: Measuring code coverage is a highly recommended practice in unit testing, but when it comes to concurrent programs, code coverage is misleading.
The newest recommended practice from IEST is RP-CC-019 Qualifications for Organizations Engaged in the Testing and Certification for Cleanrooms and Clean-Air Devices.
环境科学技术学会(IEST)最新推荐的文件为RP-CC-019 对洁净室和洁净空气装置进行测试和检验的相关机构的资格。
The general approach to analyze software development capability is based on identification of problems through their symptoms, research of root causes, and recommended practice.
1 the definition used in this article is that taken from IEEE Std 1472000, the IEEE Recommended Practice for Architectural Description of Software-Intensive Systems, referred to as IEEE 1471.
1文中的定义来自IEEE标准1472000,ieee对强软件系统的架构描述的推荐实践,参见ieee 1471。
When exporting from Modeler, you could have selected an option to put all of these elements into a single project, but separating them (the recommended practice) makes it is easier to make changes.
This article summarizes the techniques and their results and proposes a currently recommended practice of surgical therapy in BPPV as well as new insights into intractable BPPVs' physiopathology.
In security conscious companies this practice is not recommended, and the default approach is to create closed packages for deployment.
Practice can be very useful, and is highly recommended because in addition to building confidence, it also tends to improve quality.
Before beginning modifications to the GDM source, establishing a test program to create and practice keystroke dynamics is highly recommended.
在开始修改GD m源代码之前,强烈建议建立一个测试程序来创建和实践击键力学。
These criteria are recommended to all Suppliers as being Industry best practice, to which they should aspire.
To get the most of this technique it's recommended that you practice at least once each day for 21 days. Then use it as often as you like and whenever you're feeling stressed or anxious.
This practice, though, is recommended only with the help of the support staff, but we include it here for completeness.
Thanks to this practice, any studying you do will be focused on real use of the language relevant to your life, rather than theoretical applications recommended in generic courses.