You need to create a sort of blank slate within yourself to begin reconstructing how you see the world.
Reconstructing the climate changes of the past is extremely difficult, because systematic weather observations began only a few centuries ago, in Europe and North America.
Reconstructing the work of the craftsmen who lived centuries ago can reveal how they viewed the world, what objects filled their homes, and what went on in the workshops that produced them.
Select the No Self Weight option, and try reconstructing p3 or p5.
选择NoSelfWeight选项,然后尝试重构p 3或p5。
Police were reconstructing the movements of the murdered couple.
System assurance, reconstructing the inner management mode of archives.
Use a relational database by shredding and reconstructing JSON for each request.
The chaotic forecasting of power load is based on reconstructing phase space of the power load series.
Objective To investigate an important role of the stem cells in reconstructing the tissues and organs.
Objective to discuss the application of autologous materials in reconstructing attic and tympanoplasty.
It is an exciting puzzle, but reconstructing events that took place 4 billion years ago is no mean feat.
The task of reconstructing the worm’s wiring system fell on John G. White, now at the University of Wisconsin.
The task of reconstructing the worm's wiring system fell on John G. White, now at the University of Wisconsin.
The third part analyses the roles parody plays in destructing and reconstructing the Utopian fairy-tale world.
Schneider collected more than 50 bone fragments. However, only 22 were large enough to use in reconstructing her skull.
If we can find a model that reunites emotion, thought and action, we will be on our way to reconstructing a lost holism.
The combination of the fh: incremental and fh: prev elements solves the problem of reconstructing the full history of a feed.
But biologists reconstructing the mammalian tree of evolution from the DNA of living species have come to a different conclusion.
Another group of scientists already has made movies reconstructing the things that awake people have seen, by analyzing their brain waves.
If you succeed in reconstructing a distorted pattern, the Hopfield has reduced the pattern's energy level to the level of one of the patterns.
Apart from the oral tradition, he relies on two 17th-century manuscripts as his main sources for reconstructing the music of the Ottoman court.
When reconstructing images with algebraic reconstruction technique (ART), the accuracy and speed are two important aspects for researching.
This enables you to store and later recover entire objects from the memory cache, instead of reconstructing them by hand within your application.
Through reconstructing the social network of the 12,067 individuals, researchers discovered that smoking cessation occurs in network clusters.
In the course of the sampling, the sampling theorem is a basic rule and points out the least sampling frequency for reconstructing the signals.
When we got back to the world, they would all jump to life with their whirring and downloading, reconstructing and reiterating all I had missed.
Meanwhile, some noises are added into frequency bands where it is less visible in order to achieve noise smooth of overall reconstructing image.
Meanwhile, some noises are added into frequency bands where it is less visible in order to achieve noise smooth of overall reconstructing image.