When we go through an electronic toll with our E-Zpass, a record of our movements exists that might one day be used in a divorce case.
At the end of the workflow, the state of the damage claim is updated to Closed and the case is declared as a record as appropriate.
In this case, there's a single variable, named people, and the value is the array containing three items, each of which is a person record with a first name, a last name, and an e-mail address.
在这个示例中,只有一个名为 people的变量,值是包含三个条目的数组,每个条目是一个人的记录,其中包含名、姓和电子邮件地址。
Burisch has stated on record that according to the most recent computer-analyzed Looking Glass data, there is a 19% chance of the worse case scenario occurring, with 85% confidence in that 19% figure.
The list of plaintiffs in the case is a virtual "Who's Who" of influential Hollywood record and film companies.
Although RUP does a fine job of describing the Development Case and Review Record, it does not fully explain their interrelationship — something I will do in this article.
It began in the cold war, hoping to retain a record of Europe's heritage in case the Soviets came.
Together, the Development Case and Review Record provide a clean, simple roadmap that covers all important bases and represents an effective balance of agility and discipline. 8.
In the case of Web polls, I am using a non-parametric analysis procedure because Web polls often use a nominal scale to record voter preference.
In one notorious case, a record label demanded that YouTube take down a home video of a toddler jiggling in the kitchen to a tune by Prince, claiming it violated copyright law.
The hieroglyphics record a probable case of breast cancer: “a bulging tumor . . . like touching a ball of wrappings.”
In this case, we will follow the Active Record pattern and wrap a database row with a class capable of all database operations. Its code is shown below.
In case you haven't noticed, there's quite a heat wave happening in several parts of the world, including along the East Coast of the US where temperatures hit record highs yesterday.
If that's truly the case, both teams should be looking to hire a head coach with experience in the league and a proven track record of success as soon as possible.
For early case of leprosy, the authors believe it had better set up a bacterial index in nonspecific infiltration (BINSI) so as to record the number of the bacilli in the section of the skin.
Immigrants must have received an order of deportation and have a good work record; their children must be American citizens, and they must have "a potential case under current law".
When a case of infection was found, it should be recorded in the record of Nosocomial infection case.
The design and construction of cantilever Pile Cluster in exterior-protected deep foundation pit are introduced by means of a case record in this paper.
Fully understanding the roles of the elements and mastering the methods of recording will play an important role in improving the quality of the record as well as the quality of handling a case.
The south China sea dispute to arbitration is a matter of sovereignty, the case should not be put on record, from the beginning to mention trial and judgment.
To keep a good record of interrogation, investigators should learn some recording methods of special languages in addition to being familiar with case details and making good interrogation plans.
Thus, when the data for each case or unit of analysis is stored in a single physical record, the file structure is called "logical record length."
The case appears to set a new record, at least for the age of the oldest protagonist - the previous oldest couple to divorce were Bertie and Jessie Wood, both aged 98, from the UK.
But just because national headlines show double-digit drops in home prices and a record level of foreclosures doesn't mean that's the case for every home in every market.
In this case, CLR has a dedicated data structure called Card Table to record whether the application writes the memory of generation 1 or 2.
In this case, CLR has a dedicated data structure called Card Table to record whether the application writes the memory of generation 1 or 2.