She had saved up enough money to buy her son a record player that he wanted badly.
When I reached my dorm, I found an old record player blocking my door and a Charles Mingus LP propped beside it.
You can guess roughly how to operate an electronic object, like a TV set or record player, just by looking at it.
"May I borrow your record player tonight?" a man asked his neighbour. "Sure. Do you want to listen to some music?"
So Les took the needle from his family's record player and stuck it in the bridge of his guitar, then wired it into another radio speaker.
I remember laughing as she marched us around the dining-room table one evening, while John Philip Sousa boomed from the record player.
Release of the GT-2000 record player, embodying the GT (Gigantic & Tremendous) concept of achieving high rigidity and resonance-free play through absolute mass.
At the Tennessee State Fair Grounds, I found a hog carrier that I now use as a table for my record player. And I found a long animal trough that I use to store blankets.
He has played the second highest number of competitive games for the club (second only to Bobby Charlton), and holds the club record of team trophies won by a player (23).
Durant scored 28 points, setting a record along the way for most in the tournament by a U.S. player.
Whether you use a video camera, record from a live video source, or create an animation sequence, chances are your video content won't be immediately compatible with the iPod video player.
But if the disc detects that the player has been modified to record the movie, or it is using stolen keys from a different player, the disc won't play.
Achilles Heel: her mother, whom Sadako protected against vicious reporters. Or, dig out your VHS player and record the latest episode of Eastenders over her.
The only outfield player to have played in five World Cup finals tournaments, he holds the record - at 25 - of most games played by any player.
In his basketball occupation career created just like enumerable record, is recognized as the worlds best basketball player, is a NBA history first to have "athlete of the century" title.
Reclaim your PgUp and PgDn keys from the Flash player to scroll the entire page, or add the cnee — record — mouse option to re-enable your scroll wheel.
That power imbalance was reduced only because Crespo was smart enough to press the "record" button on his MP3 player. Why aren't all interrogations recorded?
He became the first player to hit 60 home runs in one season (1927), a record which stood for 34 years until broken by Roger Maris in 1961.
The needle of a record-player moves along the groove in the record.
I was voted to be the school all Star Basketball Player, and also the school Champion of the Tennis Competition. I also broke the high jump record of our school.
NBA player contract amount to record: Kevin garnett in NBA history to sign contract the highest amount of players.
There is a new player profile statistics record so that you can keep track of your performance, as well as the option to choose between three different people when using the 'phone a friend' lifeline.
Havana - A former Cuban football player set a new football head-juggling record on Saturday, making 146 consecutive touches in 30 seconds, according to event organisers.
Havana - A former Cuban football player set a new football head-juggling record on Saturday, making 146 consecutive touches in 30 seconds, according to event organisers.