Paste the recorded information icon onto the place you want to mark.
Recorded information is contained in the pits and the spaces between pits-lands.
In the beginning, there was no paper nor pen, nor ink. People recorded information by carving.
In the beginning, there was no paper nor pen, nor ink. People recorded information by carving.
Then during playback, these verification points are used to compare recorded information with live information to ensure consistency.
After switching off of the device, the crystal starts re-emit the recorded information in the form of ultra low amplitude radio waves.
In the system S1240 the most typic application of the information sound sent by the network DSN is the recorded information of dynamic number changing.
I recorded information in a notebook and using a Dictaphone, now sorted into three broad categories; Server information, Dates, and Gameplay information.
However, you can get a feel for the quantity and quality of the data by using the -a command-line argument to SAR, which reports all the currently recorded information.
In optical recording, a microscopic depression made on the disk surface by the recording laser beam. Recorded information is contained in the pits and the Spaces between pits-lands.
Researchers handed nearly a hundred subjects souped-up cell phones that recorded information about calls, text messages and even how physically close callers were to those they contacted.
When single CGH is reconstructed, no information will be observed, while two alignment combined phase-only CGHs are reconstructed, the recorded information will be read out on the image plane.
This is a recorded message lasting approximately four minutes and it provides general information on the town bus tour.
We compile thousands of such records every year and with the information recorded we're able to see what is happening in the natural world around us.
The attacker can then analyze the recorded data to retrieve confidential information, such as passwords and confidential messages.
They also ensure that the source of the information is reliable, recorded, and stored.
This kind of information is turned out by all medical equipment, but it used to be recorded on paper and examined perhaps once an hour.
Another font of information, according to this report, is the U.S. prisons, because they all are recorded and are often intertwined with the Mexican phone lines.
Conversely, the model might dynamically compute information that is recorded for validation purposes.
Now the appropriate altitude information has been recorded, allowing the creation of image slices from a secondary image as shown below.
Make sure the information that you have noted is carefully recorded and in your own words, if possible.
Before this data mining software came into being, different businesses used to collect information from recorded data sources.
She was a mother who scientifically recorded all pertinent information regarding the physical, mental, and spiritual growth of her children.
Such information is typically recorded in mushy text fields with inconsistent syntax, even in records from the same library.
The amount of information, which is recorded by the system, can be voluminous, and the level of detail that can be selected and extracted from that data is similarly large.
These sensors recorded data on customer-traffic patterns, to which was added further information recorded by human observers.
When information was recorded on a tangible medium-paper, film and so on-everything had only one correct place.
The data it gathered, like much of the information all space telescopes collect, was initially recorded and banked, awaiting the time astronomers could break it down and analyze it.
NHTSA is still examining the data in one case, and in another it found that the information recorded was unrelated to an incident of sudden acceleration.
Make your logging concise so that the minimal amount of information is recorded.