After helping a mother and her infant off a makeshift raft, an exhausted Magallanes was lost in the water, his body recovered the next day.
When the container holding this liquid is bathed in hot water, the refrigerant separates from the salty solution and is recovered to be used again.
The waste acid from the manufacture of cation exchange resin can be successfully recovered and reused by a new washing process with dilute acid instead of traditional washing process with water.
A Spanish crew recovered seven pirates from the water and detained them, the statement said. No casualties or damage was reported.
Alternatively, if reclaimed water is intended for environmental purposes, these nutrients maybe recovered during wastewater treatment and subsequently sold for other USES.
The paper introduced the improved device for reducing water content in pattern material and pipe transmission for recovered material during waxloss process.
Internal income includes revenues from the sale of regenerated water and other recovered sub-products.
The filtering net of water supply opening shall be recovered to the original shape after cleanout, so as.
Laboratory test shows that core plugging rate by using the agent is over 90%, recovered rate of permeability is over 85% after washing with water for a long period of time.
Black liquor is a water slurry containing both organics, which are oxidized and inorganics, which are recovered as pellets.
During lowering charge level with water spraying into the blast furnace, the gas is recovered and the charge level is judged by the blast volume not by special stock rod.
The water in dust removal of crushing process and the magnetite in tailings have been recovered.
Full of hope, Edmond swallowed a few mouthfuls of bread and water, and, thanks to the vigor of his constitution, found himself well-nigh recovered.
The scariest thing is that this kind of pollution, once poured out like this into water, can no longer be recovered.
Like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be recovered, so we must die. But God does not take away life; instead, he devises ways so that a banished person may not remain estranged from him.
Waste water which had been purified by ion-exchange resins was recovered for chemicals in silvering solutions.
Wastewater is cycled in a closed loop. Pollution due to wastewater discharge is eliminated thoroughly. Valuable components are recovered form the wastewater, besides, a large amount of water is saved.
Taking industry benzene as extraction agent, rogor is recovered from rogor synthesis waste water by multipolar counterflow extraction.
Groundwater level can be recovered by artificial regulation of water resource in the empty underground space of the depression cone.
Petrochemical sewage is fully dealt with the flotation column and the fiber filtering process, so as to meet the requirements of the recovered reusing water.
Through corresponding technical innovation, a great amount of high quality steam condensate water can be recovered and utilized efficiently.
Over 1 year's application shows that the recovered water has a very good compatibility with the deposit water.
Water gushed from the man's lungs, and he recovered instantly.
By making it into legislation, industrial water shall be 100% recycled and human and animal wastes shall be recovered in a closed manner and shall not be discharged into water bodies.
Murdoch's body was never recovered, but it is generally agreed that he either froze to death in the water or went down with the ship.
SPA appeared earliest in the year 1610, means completely recovered by water, is a kind of treatment method to human body, also called hydrotherapy.
SPA appeared earliest in the year 1610, means completely recovered by water, is a kind of treatment method to human body, also called hydrotherapy.