Eat red peppers. They contain capsaicin, the chemical that gives them their distinctive taste and which boosts your resting metabolic rate by 25 per cent.
The discovery suggests habitable planets must be common, with 10 to 20 per cent of red dwarfs and sun-like stars boasting them, the team says.
The ocean stretched across 36 per cent of the red planet around 3.5 billion years ago and contained 30million cubic miles of water.
Employment regulations were also mentioned by half the businesses as burdensome, with 29 per cent citing planning red tape.
It's also good for the liver - one cup per day cuts the risk of alcoholic cirrhosis by 20 per cent; four cups a day reduces the risk by 80 per cent, which is good news if you're on a red wine diet.
'We had not one red cent in this venture,' she says. 'I would no more put any money in a project of Morton's like that than I would go to the moon.'
Red chip Legend Holdings has posted a better than expected 68.7 per cent quarterly growth in net profit in the third quarter to December 31.
One in ten women (13 per cent) reveal they would reach for their best red item in order to impress in the office.
Black was the colour of choice for 60 per cent of women, while 16 per cent favoured red and 7 per cent pink.
Proof of the Red Revenue 2-cent surcharge is also known as "2-cent Small Figure Surcharged on Red Revenue Stamps in green".
'We had not one red cent in this venture,' she says. 'I would no more put any money in a project of Morton's like that than I would go to the moon.
I'm sorry. I can't lend you anything-i don't have a red cent.
Proof of the Red Revenue 2-cent surcharge is also known as "2-cent Small Figure Surcharged on Red Revenue Stamps in green".
Proof of the Red Revenue 2-cent surcharge is also known as "2-cent Small Figure Surcharged on Red Revenue Stamps in green".