If the user guzzles, the red line angles away from the blue one, warning them to ease off.
The red line is the Halifax Home Price Index for greater London we're talking UK now.
The boundary where the two plates converge is marked by a red line, but even without the line, its location would be revealed by the trench located about 100 kilometers (62 miles) offshore.
What it carries out is the thought of enterprise management which is the red line of the undertaking management.
Today's unknown route through a rugged canyon might well become a dotted red line on some future map.
I constructed a series of home prices -that's the red line and the red line is -you can see how it's moved through history.
A layer of low clouds creates the dark red line along the lower part of the profile.
The crash occurred around 5 p.m. on a heavily traveled Metro route, known as the red Line, that shuttles thousands of commuters every day from the suburbs into the city.
The good news is the standard deviation, the red line, is trending downward.
The red line is long-term interest rates, but I won't talk more about that right now.
That is, by default a green line was covered and a red line was not covered.
The red line shows what share of personal income comes from wages - that is, what Americans earn from working.
The phrase "improve efficiency and effectiveness" runs like a red line throughout your documents, underscoring the objective of your strategies.
For example, at CERN where the red line is measured, all the protons are included in the time profile.
When you open Barcode Scanner, you will see a rectangular area with a flashing red line displayed on the screen of your phone.
It was all carefully reckoned in the fat ledgers which the pasty faced clerks scribbled in morning, noon and night. Debit and credit, with a red line down the middle of the page.
The triumph of a film like the Thin Red Line is in its often languid pace which allows it to show, for example, the way soldiers are brought into an unusually close relationship with nature.
The red line shows the Lander's true position, the blue line the position measured by radar.
But the main worry I have is that they seem to assume the red line and the points should match exactly.
Similarly, when the red line is breached, the metric reaches its “critical” or “error” state.
If multiple names are found that match what you type, a wavy red line appears under the name.
The red line represents products in the high volume, low margin category.
But in the 1990s something dramatic happened, and the needle went way past the red line.
In Figure 11, Rational Quantify compares two data sets and highlights chains of calls where performance has improved (green line) and chains of calls where performance has dropped (red line).
Click on default URL provider to see the properties for the default URL provider as shown in Figure 2 (the red line indicates that some of the fields have been omitted).
It used a panoramic cameras shoot red line stop with a close-range camera shoot vehicle characteristics (licenses).
Seriously, look at the red-line in the photo below. It represents Amazon's e-book sales since they entered the market with the Kindle in 2007.
Seriously, look at the red-line in the photo below. It represents Amazon's e-book sales since they entered the market with the Kindle in 2007.