He is usually portrayed as a large, powerful man with a red beard and eyes of lighting.
"Without change, deserts deteriorate," claims Tony Burgess, a burly ecologist with a huge red beard.
But it was the old soldier with the red beard; he sat there nodding his head and said: “Dear me, what pretty dancing shoes!”
The burly man with the disheveled red beard walked swiftly up the platform toward the approaching train, uncovering his head as he went.
With an unkempt flame-red beard, dried blood caked beneath his fingernails and battle-weary blue eyes, James McAvoy makes for an imposing figure.
"We are fed up," says the man, who goes by only one name, Hikmatullah, and has a beard dyed a traditional deep red with henna.
They are bigger than a usual monkey, and have a great, large, white beard and red fur on their legs.
St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.
He got the white beard, the big ruby cheeks, the bright red hat with the puffy ball-the whole shebang.
He had the bedraggled hair and beard of a Reagan-era metalhead. He wore a black leather coat and an orange-and-red T-shirt covered in stretched-out figures from a Stone Age cave painting.
Whatever he is called, he is still the same short, fat, jolly old man with a long beard, wearing a red suit with white fur.
Was Tom's face red when the beautiful blonde he referred to turned round and proved to be a man with long hair and a beard.
In the weeks before Christmas, children are taken to see Father Christmas, an old man with a white beard wearing a red suit, who according to legend, brings presents for good children.
In kids' mind, Santa Claus is a fat jolly old man with a red suit, red hat and a long white beard.
Saint Nicholas is represented as a kindly man with a red cloak and long white beard.
His skin was rather red and he had curly hair and a short pointed beard and two little horns.
The colour of Theo's beard, more ochre than red, is also an indication.
The light of the torches made a fiery blaze of Ronnet Connington's long red hair and beard.
He was tall and thin. His complexion was very white. His beard was very long and wide. His eyes were red. His voice was very soft and sweet.
I opt for a more traditional Western package of red and green cardboard and I call over an employee for help. He's dressed in head-to-toe Santa Claus garb, complete with black boots and a fake beard.
The personification of the spirit of Christmas, usually represented as a jolly, fat old man with a white beard and a red suit, who brings gifts to good children on Christmas Eve.
Arrive for 18 centuries, pass the literature and paintings, the Santa Claus becomes the white beard, white eyebrow old man's image that the body wears the red jacket gradually.
Its overall color is red, the face is flesh-colored, round his head a pair of big eyes and stare very straight and so God, above the mouth of the beard is Qiaozhuo, is black.
It is said that Santa Claus was the bishop of Asia minor per la city, named st. Nicholas, after death is considered saints, wearing red and wore a red hat is an old man with white beard.
It is said that Santa Claus was the bishop of Asia minor per la city, named st. Nicholas, after death is considered saints, wearing red and wore a red hat is an old man with white beard.