Danyun (Red-Cloud) Valley, a name which compares the red leaves to red clouds.
This shock wave is heating up dust, which WISE sees as the red cloud in the upper left of the image.
Started, the sky is a deep blue, the sun slowly falling toward the west, a few pieces dyed a faint red cloud.
You will often meet many elites drinking Red Cloud and Hongsui black tea. These elites are always the examples people follows.
One day, when I walked on the country road, I looked at the sky and found the red cloud, a big sun is buring, it is such beautiful.
Hands down the students pointed out, a large Fenglin greet our eyes, such as the sunset, such as Red Cloud, such as flame, full of life.
This red cloud, composed of hydrocarbon dust similar to car exhaust, is being blown out into space by the galaxy's millions of young stars.
Saw a red cloud hanging above the glory in all directions, sea of clouds and layers of bright, orange-red, flashing golden light, like a round flame.
Time flies, a day passed, after school, I came back home, wings grow out again, I flew to go out to play, to navigate in the red cloud, followed the birds fly.
What appears to be a stroke of thick red paint is actually a remarkable interplay of light and cloud in the Canadian Rockies.
As he was descending, he saw a red light and then a green light attached to the back of a large black cloud moving down the road.
The sun is starting to set, turning cloud wisps neon red in the dimming light.
About five light-years "tall", the dark cloud is cataloged as Barnard 33 and is visible only because its obscuring dust is silhouetted against the glowing red emission nebula IC 434.
约5光年高的暗星云编号为巴纳德33,能够被看见仅仅因为其暗尘埃在明亮的发射星云IC 434的衬托下显出轮廓。
For example, you may see a happy face, or you may even see something like a sunflower or rainbow if you're being told "happy," or a storm cloud or the color red if the person is angry.
When the dawn mist is scattered, the field is paved with golden corn, cloud-like cotton, green pea, and red pepper.
WHEN our farewell moment came, like a low-hanging rain-cloud, I had only time to tie a red ribbon on your wrist, while my hands trembled.
White cloud streaks stand in contrast to the vast amounts of crimson soil and sparse greenery of the "red centre".
The bright red bowl, or arc, seen in this image traces the outer surface of the dense dust cloud encasing the young stars.
The scientists have been studying the cloud using WISE, Nasa's infra-red space telescope that is capable of detecting dark objects.
The cloud image is a composite of two days of imagery collected in visible light wavelengths and a third day of thermal infra-red imagery over the poles.
The sun dipped in the afterglow on rock body shot under cloud blanket, you will see a red, purple, the center part of the color ring like a shiny opal glass.
The red stripe is caused by a the interplay of light and cloud in the Canadian Rockies. The light-reflecting nature of the clouds coupled with low sun elevation resulted in this startling effect.
When the red supergiant V838 Monocerotis suddenly brightened for several weeks in early 2002, it showed it was cloaked in a never-before-seen cloud structure.
On the low dark ceiling of cloud at night red blotches burned and quavered, dappling and swelling and contracting, like burns that give pain.
Black water disciple seeing that already completely red and red figure drive black deeply of dark cloud package, don't live countermarch, although still keep stubbornly standing, clear is spent force.
Ambiguously, the dark area of swimming pool intention seems somebody stand over there, light cloud savor, there is some Mars with red Xing being twinkling.
Ambiguously, the dark area of swimming pool intention seems somebody stand over there, light cloud savor, there is some Mars with red Xing being twinkling.