Combining red, green and blue LEDs to produce white light has the potential to be more efficient, and the colour of the light could be tuned depending on mood or taste.
A quantum-dot display would work by arranging quantum dots that emit red, green and blue light in a grid-like pattern, and getting those dots to emit light directly.
As he was descending, he saw a red light and then a green light attached to the back of a large black cloud moving down the road.
To reproduce a 3d image, the researchers bathe the metal-sheathed material in ordinary white light, which contains all wavelengths of visible light (including red, blue, and green).
You put your tablet in front of a machine and you get a red light or a green light.
Red, Blue and Green light are created when they are divided out from the unity or oneness they experience together as white light.
This is called an advanced green light because oncoming traffic still faces a red light.
This is an additive form of color, because red, green, and blue light in equal amounts "add" up to white light.
If you look at the color table below, you will see the result of varying the red light from 0 to 255, while keeping the green and blue light at zero.
What I did was (to) on a 51 MCU development board to simulate a simple traffic lights at an intersection, contains the time, the red light, yellow light, green light and other information.
The second dichroic filter 408 May also reflect light emitted from the second wavelength converting element 412, e. g., green or red light.
When light stimulus was weaker and concentrated on central vision, there was no significant difference between a red light and a green light in the aspect of dark adaptation.
When cultured in the white light and blue light, the hairy roots of P. phaseoloides looked light green, but white or light red-brown in the dark.
The callus come from 20 year's old tree's explants have four types, they are white powder, light yellow paste, white with red powder and light green pellet.
The results showed white light and yellow light were good for cultivating strong seedling, blue light, red light and green light in turn.
The net photosynthetic rates of wild soybean and cultivated soybean under white light was higher than under red, green and blue light.
It's no use talking about the negative relationship between a red light and a green light and a yellow, white, or blue one because they all have the same value.
At that time, the lights on the highway, it is a red light, green light and yellow light, without artificial to management.
The sensor delivers red, green, blue, and clear (RGBC) light sensing and proximity detection, detecting light intensity under a variety of lighting conditions.
Green and red light mix to produce yellow, red and blue light mix to produce magenta, green and blue mix to produce cyan.
Generally speaking, the leaves grown in yellow light had more number of mesophyll cells than those grown in red, white, and green light.
Explant of flower ball can blossom directly in red light and can grow into the whole plant in other light quality: white light, yellow light, green light and blue light.
The above image is shown in exaggerated colors combining violet and green light with light normally too red for humans to see.
Four Seas Oasis Indoor True Color LED display is the basic principle of light at each pixel point package of pure red, pure green, blue chip, driven by the drive system of its light.
In this image, infrared light with a wavelength of 3.6 microns is colored blue; 8-micron light is green; and 24-micron light is red.
The light source for back light assembly includes red LED, green LED, blue LED, diffusor, support member and reflecting plate.
The diffusor of the present invention mixes three kinds of color light emitted by the red LED, the green LED and the blue LED into white light.
In a traffic light-style system, a red light means negative, amber means they are moderately interested and green means your date is happy.
The lighter is one multiple die LED with red light emitting LED die, blue light emitting LED die and green light emitting LED die.
所述照明器为多管芯发光二极管,所述多管芯发光二极管封装了分别发红光、蓝光、绿光发光二 极管的管芯。
The lighter is one multiple die LED with red light emitting LED die, blue light emitting LED die and green light emitting LED die.
所述照明器为多管芯发光二极管,所述多管芯发光二极管封装了分别发红光、蓝光、绿光发光二 极管的管芯。