These vouchers are redeemable against any future purchase.
Their full catalogue costs $5, redeemable against a first order.
Business companies are usually incorporated with limited liability, with open-ended investment companies issuing redeemable shares.
The coupon is not transferable or redeemable for cash.
The points are redeemable for translations from others within the community.
Certificates are not redeemable for cash and valid for redemption within 90 days upon receipt.
The overwhelming majority, including those who were obsessed by factionalism, were redeemable.
All lucky draw prizes are not transferable, exchangeable, redeemable for cash or replaceable when lost.
The offers are not redeemable for cash and cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers.
Here is a coupon book I made for you. It never expires and one of the pages is redeemable for one free hug.
The bonds, which were introduced in 1956, are in units of one pound and are redeemable at face value on demand .
"Somebody told me once that when you play a villain, you must try to find a redeemable quality," says Abercrombie.
For example, a restaurant might sell vouchers that are redeemable only on Tuesdays, thus filling tables on a quiet night.
In order for the owner to access the funds, the coin's hologram must be stripped away to reveal a redeemable "private key."
One Australian redeemable cumulative goal is a loss of forward contracts, the most serious, is what we focus on the contract.
Club Muscatella, for example, is no longer available in redeemable glass and can only be purchased in throwaway plastic bottles or cans.
All of us needs a few cheerleaders in our lives to remind us of our redeemable qualities or else we will begin to believe our negative co-workers.
This offer is only applicable to new applicants. The offer is non-redeemable, non-transferable and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers.
All or some of these rights are to be developed from the net proceeds of the company's current, ongoing private placement program of redeemable, profit sharing debentures.
In short, at one stroke, the Federal Reserve would be abolished, and the United States and its banks would then be back on the gold standard, with "dollars" redeemable in gold coin at $1555 an ounce.
总之,我们可以一蹴而就的一举废除美联储,并在一夜间让美国和它的银行业回归金本位,那时“美元”将以1555美元/盎司的价格被兑换成金币。 所有的商业银行都将再次像内战前那样对自己负责,自负盈亏。
In short, at one stroke, the Federal Reserve would be abolished, and the United States and its banks would then be back on the gold standard, with "dollars" redeemable in gold coin at $1555 an ounce.
总之,我们可以一蹴而就的一举废除美联储,并在一夜间让美国和它的银行业回归金本位,那时“美元”将以1555美元/盎司的价格被兑换成金币。 所有的商业银行都将再次像内战前那样对自己负责,自负盈亏。