Even the redirect page carries useful information: the underlying error message which might be logged and even used to auto-generate a bug report for programmers to deal with later.
This section describes how to redirect a user to a new page based on the link clicked.
If an unauthorized visitor attempts entry with an incorrect password, you can choose to display a blank page, redirect to a different URL, or go back to the previous page.
It is simpler than Listing 2 and it implements an HTML redirect to send visitors to a regular page on my site.
Login with the server credentials, which will redirect you to settings.jsp page.
使用服务器凭证登录服务器,这会将您重定向到settings . jsp页面。
All this page does is redirect the user to calculator.jsp under the "calc" Web context. This puts the calculator.jsp.
该页面所做的所有事情就是将用户重定向到“calc”Web上下文下的calculator. jsp。
Void respond (RequestCycle) is called to create a response, that is, generate a Web page or do a redirect.
调用voidrespond (RequestCycle)是为了创建响应,即生成Web页面或是进行重定向。
The loadTag can be used to redirect to a different page, or display "pop-up"-type pages (pass 'new' as the $show variable).
loadTag可用于重定向到另一个页面,或显示 “弹出” 类型的页面(传递 ‘new’作为 $show变量)。
Some developers and Web hosts instead redirect users to the 404 error page with a temporary or permanent redirect.
Editors working on the fly from mobile devices will have to click a link reading "View this page on main Wikipedia" to disable the redirect.
通过移动设备工作的编辑者必须点击“Viewthispageonmain Wikipedia”来取消这种重定向。
If the user role is not what was expected, then we redirect the user to an error page.
A successful registration will return a confirmation message and redirect the user to the appropriate menu page.
If the information is not there (or in this case, if the session itself was never created), we know the user has not logged in and redirect them to a login page.
I use JSF navigation rules to redirect the page.
Finally, redirect the agent to the launched dynamic page.
An unauthenticated attempt to access the home page will redirect you to the log-in page, shown in Figure 12.
If a user isn't logged in, you can redirect that user to a login page.
The one page created just after Eriksen's biography wouldn't really count, since it's simply a redirect to one of the site's many disambiguation pages.
This situation is often exploited by intruders in a mashup page in order to side-step browser restrictions and to redirect sensitive data that is then recorded.
This default login page can be customized to redirect the user to the correct SaaS application login page.
After the text is parsed and the Employee objects are created, redirect the user back to the same page with an empty form.
If you have moved a page or your entire website, you can use the 301.htaccess to redirect to a new URL.
如果你移动一个页面或整个网站,你可以通过301. htaccess重定向到新的URL。
The implementation of this cookie check is performed as a redirect back to the page being accessed.
By default, JSF forwards from one XHTML page to another, but you can redirect instead by specifying the faces-redirect parameter, as illustrated in Listing 11.
默认情况下,JSF将从一个XHTML页面转至另一个xhtml页面,但是通过指定faces - redirect参数可以重定向,如清单11所示。
Finally, it redirects the user back to the student_add.php page using the redirect function that is part of the URL Helper file.
最后,它会使用redirect函数(URLHelper文件的一部分)将用户重定向回student_add . php页面。
Finally, it redirects the user back to the student_add.php page using the redirect function that is part of the URL Helper file.
最后,它会使用redirect函数(URLHelper文件的一部分)将用户重定向回student_add . php页面。