But he has no serious plan to reduce greenhouse gases.
Palin also errs by claiming that America can't afford to reduce greenhouse gases.
Such measures will also reduce greenhouse gases and contribute to the mitigation of global warming.
He said opposition to clotheslines may ease as more people understand it can save energy and reduce greenhouse gases.
The costs of mitigating climate change are the sacrifices the present generation will have to make to reduce greenhouse gases.
A pity, because most economists agree that carbon taxes are a better wayto reduce greenhouse gases than cap-and-trade schemes.
The way out of this gridlock, environmentalists say, is to show it's possible to reduce greenhouse gases without sinking the economy.
More-efficient bulbs could save billions of dollars, decrease dependence on foreign oil, and significantly reduce greenhouse gases.
But for now, fuel-cell vehicles represent part of a multi-faceted solution to reduce greenhouse gases and conserve petroleum resources, they said.
The bill would require refineries, factories and power plants to reduce greenhouse gases by 20% by 2020, and roughly 80% by the middle of the century.
It's a tall order: Over the next few decades, the world will need to wean itself from dependence on fossil fuels and drastically reduce greenhouse gases.
Its a tall order: Over the next few decades, the world will need to wean itself from dependence on fossil fuels and drastically reduce greenhouse gases.
Some countries have been trying to reduce greenhouse gases emissions over the last decade, but a perfect storm of methane emissions may undo all the good work.
According to the analysis by scientists from Oxford University and Amsterdam University, lab-grown tissue would reduce greenhouse gases by up to 96% in comparison to raising animals.
The main content, targets, significance of China's national climate change program were briefly introduced. And the possible measures to reduce greenhouse gases emis-sion were suggested as well.
They said actions to adapt to climate change, such as sea defences and new forms of agriculture, must take priority over efforts to reduce greenhouse gases, which would take years to have any impact.
他们表示,必须首先采取行动适应气候变化,如防御海洋灾难,采用新的农业形式,然后采取措施减少温室气体。 减少温室气体的措施需要多年才能见成效。
In order to reduce global warming, emission of greenhouse gases needs to be reduced.
When it comes to climate, what counts is not only what humans do to reduce the buildup of greenhouse gases, but also how the earth responds.
These particles bring with them many gigawatts of power that Dr Wong wants to harness to reduce the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Chlorine atoms can reduce the lifetime of atmospheric mercury gas, as well as greenhouse gases such as methane.
With global warming an ever increasing issue, most people are looking for ways to improve efficiency and save energy - and therefore reduce power-station emissions of greenhouse gases.
The bill in its current form would force polluting industries to reduce steadily their emissions of carbon and the other greenhouse gases that cause global warming.
The legislation is designed to significantly reduce the nation's greenhouse gases, accomplished through a combination of trading markets and the deployment of advanced technologies.
As its "aspirational target," the country has pledged to reduce its greenhouse gases from the year 2000 level, which was 644 million tons, by 30 percent by 2020 and 50 percent by 2050.
Some 174 active projects are expected to reduce emissions by an estimated 220 million metric tons of carbon dioxide or its equivalent in other greenhouse gases.
In addition, many changes to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases also deliver significant benefits in environmental sustainability, public health, energy security, and financial savings.
In addition, many changes to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases also deliver significant benefits in environmental sustainability, public health, energy security, and financial savings.