The gradually relax is a psychological method, which be applied to reduce mental stress and anxiety.
Exercise as an effective way to reduce mental stress response has obviously protection on body function.
Strengthening mental state, raising coping ability and perfecting social support system is an important way to reduce mental stress for rural medical workers.
Chamomile tea has a calming effect which reduce the physical and mental stress, making this tea perfect beverage to be consumed before bed.
Want to reduce stress and improve mental focus? A new app that promotes slow breathing may help.
Fifteen minutes of yoga or Pilates will reduce stress, increase focus and mental clarity, and improve overall well-being.
American researchers at the University of Oregon have found that even brief meditation sessions significantly reduce stress and increase mental alertness.
Running can be a great way to reduce our overall mental stress, but we need to approach the exercise is a relaxed state... and that's where the breathing comes in.
Conclusions Domestic ward management may reduce the patients' mental stress, and make the patients be in best physiological status and increase their satisfaction rate.
Transcendental meditation has been shown to decrease blood pressure, reduce stress, and improve mental focus in college students.
Instructor Nira Berry said, a good giggle can boost the immune system, reduce stress, help to kill pain and improve mental clarity.
Estroven Balancing Herbal Blend to help reduce stress, irritability and improve mental clarity.
独特的草本配方, 舒缓紧张易怒的情绪,帮助稳定心情。
The control and prevention measure i. e. to reduce mental material tensile stress, select suitable material, control of media environment and scheduled maintenance to the pipe is put forward ai...
The control and prevention measure i. e. to reduce mental material tensile stress, select suitable material, control of media environment and scheduled maintenance to the pipe is put forward ai...