The test steel is applied to the engineering structure, which can effectively reduce the consumption of materials and make the component more light.
The use of the equipment with non-stop adjacent conductor size change will reduce remarkably the materials and energy consumption, raise productivity and reduce production costs.
In order to reduce the energy consumption, the only way is to raise the heat capacity of the insulation materials, and dissipating the heat in the cooler night.
Stripper harvesting can reduce the quantity of non-grain materials in the re-threshing roller and greatly cut down consumption of energy.
The DLF refining station can increase heat efficiency and reduce the consumption of the ladle liner materials.
It can reduce the pretreatment of raw materials, water pulper to increase production capacity and reduce energy consumption unit.
On the one hand, the use of thermal insulation materials can improve the insulation effect, reduce the heating, air-conditioning energy consumption, efficient energy conservation;
The product USES the latest technology, to reduce synthetic materials in the production process of the strong self-consumption, improve synchronization of inner and outer rope yarn.
To reduce the consumption of raw materials, to eliminate in the stem roll is made into a rejection rate from 37% to5%, to ensure the terrier containing silk rate of cigarette technology specification.
降低了原料消耗,使剔除梗中的可卷制成分剔除率由原来的37%降至5 %,保证了梗中含丝率达到卷烟工艺规范的要求。
To reduce the consumption of raw materials, to eliminate in the stem roll is made into a rejection rate from 37% to5%, to ensure the terrier containing silk rate of cigarette technology specification.
降低了原料消耗,使剔除梗中的可卷制成分剔除率由原来的37%降至5 %,保证了梗中含丝率达到卷烟工艺规范的要求。