Pacific Northwest is flooded with rain and ferns and redwood forests, where Bella encounters two rival gangs: vampires and werewolves.
When you drive through the Redwood Forests in California, you will be among trees that are over 1,000 years old.
Some understocked areas are planted with Redwood to increase the Redwood component.
Reader: Langley P. Eide, 33, of Redwood City, California.
读者:P .Eide,33,美国加利福尼亚州红木城。
No other type of tree grows higher than the Giant Redwood.
She helped out once Redwood City advanced to the regional championships.
Does chaining yourself to a redwood tree do society $100, 000 worth of good?
"One time I went to see him in NeXT's swank new offices in Redwood City, " he recalls.
It was found lost in a bar in Redwood City, camouflaged to look like an iPhone 3gs.
Cypress and redwood are seldom used in the superstructure of commercial greenhouses.
The whole Redwood City philosophy was based on a willingness to try harder than anyone else.
On this stingy substitute rain, the behemoth of all living things, the redwood, thrives.
Two days later I spotted a Boston terrier and a semi-schnauzer on the Redwood City site.
两天后,我在雷德伍德市的网站上浏览时注意到了一只波士顿梗犬(Boston terrier)和一只混血雪纳瑞[11]。
For now, the only choice for Redwood, and others who would follow, is to cling to the higher ground.
One city that has fully instituted Shoup's market-pricing plan for street parking is Redwood City, Calif.
加州的红杉城(Redwood City)是彻底采用Shoup 博士提出的街道泊车的市场定价计划的城市之一。
Michael Taylor examines the base of a 25-foot diameter redwood stump in a backyard near Crescent City, Calif.
Redwood City attacked the inbounds pass, the point in a game where a great team is as vulnerable as a weak one.
If you don't, this will be like trying to cut down a redwood tree with a herring (your skills being the herring).
Most of them were, as Ranadivé says, “little blond girls” from Menlo Park and Redwood City, the heart of Silicon Valley.
Zazzle, of Redwood City, California, offers a dizzying array of user-designed products from posters to tennis shoes.
The trunks of redwood "titans" (the largest redwoods in terms of how much wood they contain) can measure 30 feet in diameter.
Look, through the eyes of a physicist, at a bounding kangaroo, a swooping bat, a leaping dolphin, a soaring Coast Redwood.
Redwood City's strategy was built around the two deadlines that all basketball teams must meet in order to advance the ball.
The cover shot of the redwood trunk shooting through the yellow border is only part of the 300-foot-tall, 1, 500-year-old titan.
A group of arborists, including Jake Milarch, are hoping to preserve ancient trees such as this California redwood by cloning them.
The Redwood City girls, by contrast, played in front of their opponents, to prevent them from catching the inbounds pass in the first place.
The Redwood City girls, by contrast, played in front of their opponents, to prevent them from catching the inbounds pass in the first place.