Because of this I really like to use patterns after the fact, refactoring to patterns.
On the subject of using patterns wisely, you also might want to read Joshua Kerievsky's Refactoring to patterns, which says you should let your code tell you when to implement a pattern.
关于明智使用模式的这个主题,也可以阅读Joshua Kerievsky的Refactoring to Patterns,该书称可以让代码来告诉您何时实现模式。
We use refactoring techniques, design patterns, and other computational methods to remove the smelly code segments from our applications.
Heck, we've even managed to categorize refactoring into a handy set of patterns!
That suggests that it is a good candidate for refactoring to remove some of the complexity and see if you can find some abstractable, repeating patterns.
That suggests that it is a good candidate for refactoring to remove some of the complexity and see if you can find some abstractable, repeating patterns.