Reformat T-SQL code with set of customizable rules
Click to reformat the grid using current Settings.
The foreach loop in PHP makes it easy to reformat this array for HTML display.
Human memory does not work like computer memory. There is no way to reformat the past.
I am pretty sure you can reformat using a traditional file system if it is a RW disc.
So subtle spacings like those shown above tend to get lost after you reformat the code.
This is some urgency, and reformat the hard disk, reinstall the system, but still be the case.
As a result we were forced to reformat some of the videos we planned to show into MPEG1 format.
I assume that I should reformat the file from a CSV into something else... maybe a SQL database?
我认为我应该重新格式化文件从一个CS V成别的东西…也许一个SQL数据库?
So, in the case of a crash, they would only have to reformat the disk and reinstall all programs.
Use it to beautify your code or to reformat legacy code you've inherited to make it more readable.
There seems to be a bug in the beta release that doesn't reformat the field when the editor changes.
This may require an adapter to massage or reformat information for the process with the larger scope.
Reformat Your Computer: The easiest way to do this is with a secondary hard drive or USB flash drive.
Sometimes the only thing you can do is call it quits, reformat your hard drive, and reinstall your OS.
In that respect, CSS is redundant with XSLT, which already make it easy to reformat several documents at once.
However, when the data is retrieved from the repository, you want to reformat it to be readable, using commas.
Operations called transforms typically take data from the input message and reformat it for use in the output message.
You should back up the volume and reformat (or replace) it to prevent the possibility of data loss due to drive failure.
At least with Windows, you could reformat your PC and install Linux or any number of other PC-compatible operating systems.
The main content of this subject is to reformat the former burner that USES petroleum and adapt it to coal gas combustion.
You decided that it's time to reformat and reinstall your computer's operating system so that it will start fresh and fast.
Further, when switching devices with which you are using the Cards, you may need to reformat the Cards using the new device.
You could also reformat the date for your locale, or get fancy and format it based on the locale the browser reports it's from.
You have chosen to reformat the hard drive of the computer that you are setting up. This will erase all information on the hard drive.
For VB.NET, you can optimize 'import' directives, shorten qualified references, and reformat your code according to a formatting style.
Use the "page set up" function in your word processing software to select the correct size paper and automatically reformat your document.
Since you do need to reformat each text block type differently to produce the correct HTML output, a state machine seems like a natural solution.
If you've written much SAX code, you know that it's extremely easy to lose data, or lose precision of data, or just reformat it accidentally.
If you've written much SAX code, you know that it's extremely easy to lose data, or lose precision of data, or just reformat it accidentally.