The local Dutch Reformed church educated the local children until 1638, when the company sent a schoolmaster named Adam Roelantsen to open the first school in New Amsterdam.
直到 1638 年,西印度公司派一位叫做亚当罗兰森的学者来建立新阿姆斯特丹的第一所学校,当地的荷兰教堂才开始教育当地的孩子。
The local Dutch Reformed church educated the local children until 1638, when the company sent a schoolmaster named Adam Roelantsen to open the first school in New Amsterdam.
直到 1638 年,西印度公司派一位叫做亚当罗兰森的学者来建立新阿姆斯特丹的第一所学校,当地的荷兰教堂才开始教育当地的孩子。