Each bar on the graph represents a value for one refresh interval, which can be anywhere from one second to many hours.
If no message exists, the operation does not wait around for one; it simply prepares another refresh Response with a new refresh interval period and returns that back to the caller.
The only way to get a cluster member to see the new repository will be to delete one of the explicit CLUSSDR definitions, possibly accompanied by a REFRESH cluster (cluster name) repos (YES) command.
要让集群成员看到新的储存库的惟一方法是删除其中一个显式的clussdr定义,通常还可以一起使用REFRESHCLUSTER(集群名)REPOS (YES)命令。
When notification is received, the handler may call one of the provided methods to force a refresh.
Each chapter concludes with a brief summary; each one gave me a mental handle on the big picture and will also be helpful if I want to refresh my memory about particular areas later on.
Select a JSF component other than the commandButton (drop a different one from the palette if necessary), and then select the button tag again to refresh the tools.
选择命令按钮之外的JS f组件(如有需要从配置板中拖拉不同的组件),然后再次选择按钮以刷新工具。
If DB2 Alphablox is installed, the cubes that are defined for each installed monitor model are enabled by default with a one minute refresh interval.
如果DB 2Alphablox已安装,针对每个已安装监视器模型定义的多维数据集在默认情况下将被启用,刷新间隔为一分钟。
One of the well-known limitations of Web applications, of course, is their clumsiness at updates — essentially the whole client window must refresh.
With each refresh, you should see that the Web page displayed is one of the self-identifying pages configured on the realservers.
The system currently works in just one colour. However, the scientists have previously developed colour holographic displays that refresh at a faster rate.
I'd encourage you to refresh your memory and read one of my blog post back one year ago - PLM Data, Identification and Part Numbers.
Try anything from a special dress to a simple top in a one-shoulder style to refresh your look.
There is really only one form property that affects application performance: Automatically refresh fields.
A few weeks ago we released a refresh of one of these kits to target Visual Studio 2008.
几周前,我们针对Visual Studio 2008发布了这些工具包其中之一的更新。
As a simple illustration, if you have one Blood rune with 5 seconds remaining on the cooldown and you spend the other, you will start or refresh the 10 second buff.
When you enable auto-refresh on a form, each time you move from one field to the next, auto-refresh updates all previous fields on the form.
当对某一表单上启用auto -refresh时,每当从一个字段转移到另一个字段,auto - refresh就会更新表单上所有之前的字段。
One thing that may hold P-Ink back, however, is what is known as the refresh rate. This is the speed at which a pixel can change colour.
然而,可能有个问题会让P - Ink踌躇不前,那就是人们所熟知的刷新率——一个像素改变色调的速度。
When CRT monitors are used, VRAM is dual ported, allowing one port to continuously refresh the display while another port writes data to the display.
After get marriage for twenty-one years, I found an unique way to refresh my love life.
The battery charger can also be put in one of four different modes: charge, Discharge, Refresh and Test mode.
Make the form page refresh whenever an attachment is added so there's aways a free one.
If you only have one page on your site, it's expected that you'll have a high bounce rate because it will not register multiple pageviews unless visitors refresh your site from within their browser.
With the rune refresh rate, we will use (on average) 6 abilities every 10 seconds - five rune abilities, and one runic power ability.
One refresh icon is a circle that contains two arrows, which circle in opposite directions.
If a sign has a refresh rate of 100 Hz, then it must clock out 128 bits of data for one line of LEDs from left to right, 100 times per second.
To change the list type and then refresh the work item list, complete one or more of the procedures provided below.
There was only one rule - teams had to hit 95 frames per second (the refresh rate of the Valve prototype hardware), or their demos wouldn't be shown at the showcase.
Remaining health enables one to regenerate energy, refresh mind and thus improve the efficiency of work and study.
Remaining health enables one to regenerate energy, refresh mind and thus improve the efficiency of work and study.