Generally, the IPR holders refusal-to-deal does not conflict with the social public interests, so it should enjoy the respect and protection of the law.
But their strongest words are reserved for China, accused of a refusal to accept anything touching on its sovereignty and of secretly inciting small, poor allies to obstruct a deal.
But it's not disappointment that ruins lives. It is the incapacity or the refusal to deal with life after disappointment.
The player himself is said to be desperate for a move ever since he and Ranieri took snipes at each other through the press over the club's refusal to grant him an improved deal.
From US author Orson Scott Card's refusal to sign the film deal for years, to the film's pre-release controversy thanks to Card's anti-gay views, there are plenty of reasons to watch it.
"I think the process was very bad, but the process was really caused in large measure by the refusal of Republicans to deal in any way," he said.
Concerted refusal to deal is a tool of commercial competition and a group action executed by several men to cut off commercial relationship.
Concerted refusal to deal is a tool of commercial competition and a group action executed by several men to cut off commercial relationship.