Many veterinarians refuse to do the surgery on ethical grounds. Those who do rarely advertise it.
We grow in change. If you refuse to do the change, you refuse to do the new beautiful and new opportunities.
Kids always cause a mess, but the parents refuse to do anything about their kids' behaviors.
He demanded that first, the Palestinians must recognize Israel as a Jewish state, something they refuse to do.
As with all such ventures, however, if a change is introduced that most participants do not accept, they will simply refuse to download that version of the software.
Congratulate yourself on the good you have done and will do. And refuse to let any self-doubt enter your mind.
A woman can become emotional while discussing an emotional issue, while a man is less likely to do the same, or he will simply refuse to discuss the issue.
And then, because some of us are just obstinate and refuse to do it the easy way, I will also show you the alternate (harder way)!
His wife would listen to nothing he said, but continued to reproach him,and as he had given way to her the first time, he could not refuse to do so now.
So why do we hold on to our past and refuse to let go of the emotional baggage?
As a society, do we accept that people can refuse tests when the outcome can make a difference to that unborn child?
If the boss comes to you with a project to do, it's not always in your best interest to refuse to do it.
In Belgium the linguistic division has become so firmly established that the French and Flemish-speaking communities have almost nothing to do with each other and refuse to compromise.
We need medical teams, ideally Russians, who speak the region's common language and who can treat Uzbeks who now refuse to have anything to do even with Kyrgyz doctors.
Many people refuse to even consider these questions because they're afraid that if they do, they won't like the answers.
Your week will work much better as long as you keep the vibe on the lighter side & refuse to take yourself & what you do too seriously...
You're bound to have questions the first few times you do it, but you're just being lazy if you refuse to learn how to do these things on your own.
You refuse to accept the part; you reject it as unworthy of you; you are a commonplace lover, just do what the others do: pay me and let's not talk about it any more. '.
no matter how others saide, categorically refuse to listen to mother, mother, I do not love! - Spreading the lie of the five.
They refuse to work side by side with men who do the same work for a higher pay.
Seven, do not ask why they can refuse the temptation of girls do not adhere to the hard love, and she can not?
Children will refuse to communicate with parents if parents do not grab the correct communicating manner.
If you refuse to do more than what it says in your job deion, good luck moving up the ladder.
If you refuse to do more than what it says in your job deion, good luck moving up the ladder.